onsdag 16 mars 2011

Ups and downs today

Happiness is when you have new books. Nothing is so exiting as when you open a new book, especially when you have never read it before.
Yesterday I bought myself three new books.
Romeo & Juliet & Vampires
Little Vampire Women
Agnes Grey
Usually spoof books is not really my thing I just couldn't resist the front pages of these.
But on the other hand, now I realized I should maybe have chosen some other books... But still. I love them!

My down today on the other hand is that I have to read Twilight again. I really hate the book, but it is easy to read. I get even more upset as I realize I have put post-it notes on almost every page fin half the book!

Now I have to sit and take these of, to put them back as I need them in the future. But I cant see the text with them in as I couldn't put them to high up on the pages when I did that because it didn't fit on the book shelf then...

Serious... That is really weird reasoning.

Even worse is that there is no what so ever food around. I'm so hungry. But I am still to lazy to go and do some shopping. I had to throw away lots and lots of food as I stayed just a tiny bit longer in Linköping than I thought I were going to... Not my fault really.

1 kommentar:

  1. Waaah böckerna är jättefina! Snacka om att jag fick cravings... Även om jag med all säkerhet inte skulle läsa dem förrän jag gått i pension
