söndag 14 november 2010

Some days...

Well, SJ has done it once again. At 17. something today I got a text from them telling me my 8.22 train till Stockholm is cancelled! I cant believe it! I should have guessed, everything was going to smoothly with the bastards this time, and BAM, now I'm fucked. I had to get a new ticket, three times as expensive, and an hour longer trip, this means I have to get an even earlier train from here! I'm so totally pissed of right now...


Some days are just meant to bring good ideas!

In need of a dinner, without cooking something that will have left overs, open up new packages or anything that can be spoiled before Friday I came up with a brilliant idea...
As I have lots and lots of cheese and tomatoes, I decided to make stuffed tomatoes! How easy can it be? It's delicious and really simple to do!

Stuffed tomatoes- vego style

First, turn the oven on (about 150-175 degrees).
Hollow out the tomates (1 if eaten with a meal or used as appetizer, otherwise, your choice, but try and use large tomatoes, as it tends to be tricky to stuff them as they are small), at the same time as you fry some soy stuffing. Put cheddar or Parmesan or any other cheese with strong taste in the bottom. Add the soy filling and some Greek cheese and spice with Oregano.
Put them in the oven and voila! A really tasteful appetizer!

fredag 12 november 2010

Last weekend... Then STOCKHOLM!

This is the last weekend before I turn biiiig! ;)

Well, I have a lot to do this weekend. On Monday morning, I'm off to Stockholm, to start a course in Japanese film cultural history. Might be exiting. I haven't really decided yet, but the train trip will be filled with reading to prepare, prepare and more preparing. I have never really understood Japanese film, so this will be a real challenge for me, as I know nothing of Japanese films, except a bit anime...
I'm leaving home at 6am Monday morning...

My darling baby, this is a warning, said that im leaving, on monday morning... *Hums*

Well, it does come to mind dont it?

Well, as I said, at 6am Monday morning, and I will be back "home" in Linköping at 7pm...

Have you hear the news today? I'm leaving town, I'm cashing out
this towns to small for me to stay, the time is now, I'm heading out

This is a bit scary, as I know, next year by this time, I have lived in Växjö for about 3 months too... Gah! I don't want to grow up... I would love to become a kid again and move in with mummy and daddy and play aaaaall day long! But unfortunate, I'm not Benjamin Button...

So, now my weekend is filled with Aikido, all day tomorrow, and then on Sunday, I will have to clean up, do some dishes, the washing, pack my bag and find my course literature I need for the week, and pack my computer so I will be able to do my homework when I'm left alone all day...

Baby i still need ya, but if you stay ill leave ya, cause i gotta get away
and if i ever see ya, my heart is gonna bleed, but im leaving either way

That's really how it feels about next year... There is a few things I really will miss when I move... But I really want to do this, and the only reason for coming home, would be if I got a spot at KAU, but I don't really like that university, so that will probably never happen as after this summer I don't ever want anything to do with KAU or LTU ever again!

But I guess it's alright to spread your wings a bit too, as I want to go to Ireland and USA some day too, then maybe Växjö is a good place to start, as it at least is the same country that all I care for liv
es in, even the same continent...

And a little something for those who are sadist... My really nice bruises I got this Tuesday of Kali training, and this is how they look three days later, and this they look about twice as bad irl! And they perfectly match on where you do a Ikkyo! Which makes it even funnier when we have done Ikkyo both Wednesday and Thursday this week!

But I guess it's better to be off to bed now, tomorrow evening you will get a review on Chucky the evil doll as I have had a Chucky Maraton today, but I got one film left so I will wait till I'm finished with all 5 of them.

måndag 8 november 2010

Wonderful weekend

Yeah, this weekend was rather okay to be honest! The Mr came over on Saturday and left for home this morning. Haven't seen him since the book fair in Gothenburg in end of September. So it was real good to see him again.

That means this weekend was filled with films! We managed to squeeze in Död Snö (Dead Snow), John Carpenter's vampires 1 and 2, and Saw 3D.
Död Snö was real good! Who could believe Nazi zombies in the Norwegian mountains would make a really good movie?

Död Snö
A gang of eight Norwegian medical students decides to go for a trip to the mountains. The first evening a old man comes around and tells them the story of a Nazi party who occupied a town close by, but the villagers rebelled and the Nazis fled into the mountains. This is the
start of weird things, and when one of their friends don't show up, her boyfriend starts looking for her while the others stays at the cabin and starts the party. When one of the girls goes missing and they find the backpack of the first missing person, they start to get suspicious and this is when they start the battle against the zombies.

Död Snö is an entertaining film, made by a small scale Norwegian company, with a relatively low budget. They have many of the classical horror film traits, but they have twisted them together into something new. They have taken any zombie film and mixed it with Wrong Turn, and the result became a real good horror film, even though the plot has a few holes, but as the effect of the zombies was so good, it doesn't really matter.

I would really recommend it, it is not scary scary, but it's really good when wanting a cozy evening with some not to brutal horror films in the autumn, when there is to cold to go outside anyway.

And if you liked this one, Norway has manged to produce yet another really good horror film. Snarveien. The film is following a couple who has been in Sweden buying booze, and can't get back home to Norway, so they take a short cut...