söndag 14 november 2010

Some days...

Well, SJ has done it once again. At 17. something today I got a text from them telling me my 8.22 train till Stockholm is cancelled! I cant believe it! I should have guessed, everything was going to smoothly with the bastards this time, and BAM, now I'm fucked. I had to get a new ticket, three times as expensive, and an hour longer trip, this means I have to get an even earlier train from here! I'm so totally pissed of right now...


Some days are just meant to bring good ideas!

In need of a dinner, without cooking something that will have left overs, open up new packages or anything that can be spoiled before Friday I came up with a brilliant idea...
As I have lots and lots of cheese and tomatoes, I decided to make stuffed tomatoes! How easy can it be? It's delicious and really simple to do!

Stuffed tomatoes- vego style

First, turn the oven on (about 150-175 degrees).
Hollow out the tomates (1 if eaten with a meal or used as appetizer, otherwise, your choice, but try and use large tomatoes, as it tends to be tricky to stuff them as they are small), at the same time as you fry some soy stuffing. Put cheddar or Parmesan or any other cheese with strong taste in the bottom. Add the soy filling and some Greek cheese and spice with Oregano.
Put them in the oven and voila! A really tasteful appetizer!

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