torsdag 18 februari 2010

18th February

Now let'se see...

I've just printed a paper with the russian alphabet and the next book I will buy is a "Russian Travel Guide" so th
at I will lean some easy phrases in russian! That's all good I think!

So I hope I will learn russian soon enough! Might take next summer to study politics and russian, haven't decided what courses I will put into my 30 ESTC's to get my economics degree.. We will see, hope fully I'll get 7,5 point of politics in the summer, and that will get me quite far on the way!

Why this interest in russian? To be honest, I don't know. I'm not really interested in languages, but I feel like I would like to be able to speak russian! It seems cool!

Other than that Im on a mission, I have decided to watch trough all of my films in order, backwards. Im on end of U now, tomorrow means I will be able to watch both Underworld Evolution (or if I watch that when I get back home later today) and Underworld. That is such amazing films, but I can't wait till I get to the new ones I bought, some of them seems really cool!!!

Argh! Also, I got an economics exam next week! I will do an epic fail on that one! It's waaaaaay to hard with this shitty economics and moral thing. I don't see the need for it, so it will be printing till there is paper coming out my ears tomorrow I guess. And I think choosing this weekend for Snowboarding was bad timing, but I really want to be out too, even if its going to be freezing!!!


fredag 12 februari 2010

12th february

The Graveyard Book - Neil Gaiman

That was one hell of a book really! Neil Gaiman trough and trough and not one page that didn't intruge. And there are some gorgeous drawings by Dave McKean too, just simple but still amazing.

The story in short is of a boy, whose family is killed by the man Jac
k. The man Jack lets the little boy get away, and he is taken in by a pair of ghosts and lives his whole life in the graveyard, learning to do things the ghosty way.

The book itself is really good, I still haven't figured out if it's an adult book or a youth book, but I think it works for both just as well! You see the world trough the eyes of a child, who has never met his real parents but been brought up by two ghosts and a guardian who are not dead, neither alive, who provides food and other things the ghosts can't find or get because they can't leave the graveyard. In the end of the book, the boy lives a happy life at the graveyard, and he is meeting his first real person at the age of approximatley five years old. After that his meetings with the girl, who later moves away with her parents, the boy wants to see more of he world, his hunger for learning new things deepens. He starts to get an urge to get out of the graveyard.

The book reminds a lot of Neil Gaimans other books, even if the subject are different you get the same feeling when reading the book you get when you read for example Coraline or American Gods. There is something about the books that makes it off for being a real world, but the books are still in the real world and the signs of it being mainly intrusive fantasy with a touch of estranged fantasy is very obvious in all the books by the author. You find them in the form (in Graveyard book) that the boy lives in a perfectly fine graveyard in modern Great Britain where the ghosts teach him to fade and dreamwalk where those things are normal for him would be exceptional for a normal person, but for him who has never been outside it and lived a normal life, going to school is something spectacular.

My personal thoughts on the book is that it is amazing, I got a problem with the girl showing up from nowhere again, but that is such a stupid thing to get hung up so that I won't even bother to think of it anymore. Also, I think the story is well written and very interesting with the chapters beeing of different parts of his life, and not how many books can be when something happens in the childhood of the main character and jump 15-20 years in the life of him/her but this took just a few years at a time and you could see how the boy grew, how he learnt stuff and how he became who he was in the end of the book, also I think it was a fun twist that he actually lost his powers at the end of the book, as it makes me wonder if there is something about kids, that adults can't see, that their fantasy worlds might not always be a fantasy world...

söndag 7 februari 2010

A vampires way

Ok, I decided to take this topic to write about something I dislike. I will try and keep an open mind about it, but in the end, I don't like it anyway!

The subject is.. Twilight!

(So this is not an "I Love Twilight thing, nor is it an "I hate Twilight thing, but just thoughts that I have had on peoples arguments to the pros and cons of the book, feel free to ask if you have any questions or I am unclear, also im not pro phedofilism, necrophilia or animal sex or anything like that! If you think that please leave immidaitley because then you're probably just out to read about anti-twilight stuff and this is an "open minded, im listening to both sides" kind of post)

After being sat reading almost every post at and laughing my head of as I seriously lose hope in humanity.

I'll be discussing the main things of the pros and cons of the books and the films, (yeah, I have read all four books, once and I have seen both movies, twice (and thats just because they got Cam Gigandet and the guy who plays Carlisle is kinda good looking).


no 1 - The texts are poorly written.
Yeah they are, Stephanie Meyer is not a very talanted writer, there are a lot of repetatings, or re writings of the same idea. The whole book's about how good looking Bella think Edward is and stuff, yeah, I can deal with that at the beginning of a relationship when you're in love, but after 3 books of it, where they have been together for 3 years, yeah, it's kinda getting old.
And the fact this actually is her wet dreams, well, I can't say this or that, it might just be a publicity stunt to get more readers and more attention to her, but if it is, that's just gross!

no 2- Edward is an abusive boyfriend and Bella brings feminism back 100 years.
Well, the fact is that they are just as bad as each other, Bella is using mental abuse on Edward too, she forces him to do stuff and says she thinks he don't love him so that he will keep telling he loves her and stuff. And leaving a girl, that's not un common, everytime a man or a woman meets someone they fall for and getting left in the "in love" phase it feels like you've lost your soulmate and the fact, you might like someone else or someone else likes you, yeah thats normal, not a "Bella-Edward-Jacob" state, that stuff happened so long before this darn books became published! Also, the stalking bit where he sits at her window, yeah creapy, but, I mean... If you always fall asleep efter your partner and are lay watching him, wouldn't that count too? Or I don't know, I don't think I would like someone sitting outside my window watching me sleep, but he did tell her kinda early and stopped, some might say hes a stalker, some not. I really don't have a strong opinion on that to be honest.
one thing we have to think of here is that Edward died in the beginning of the 1900's or something, and was brought up with different values than we have today, and even if you say he should change, some things are hard to change, and always helping Bella and stuff can be linked to chivlary. But Bella takes it just one step to far (and this is important, im not a big feminist, as Im tired of to many girls taking the feminism to far and don't let the guys get any space. Yeah Chivlary died and feminism killed it, partly). And this is also, a thing about Edward being born in the .. Well, long ago, he was probably brought up to be a gentleman!

Well, bottom line is: Edward was brought up in a way, even if he could change to be modern, some things, some values you keep for all your life, Bella takes the vain lady a bit to far, but some girls are afraid to stand on their own feet, and women ARE allowed to be as they feel like, not everyone has to be independent, thats their own choise. I would never behave like that personally, and I prefere girls who will not be independent on their guys, but if Edwards brought up that way and Bella likes it, whatever.

no 3 - Phedofilism, necrophilia, animal sex (not sure what the word for that is).
Do you actually SEE or READ Jacob does anything to the vampire baby? I can't see it in any case. Well, the idea is weird, but, in my world, phedofilism is when you touch a baby, do sexual tings to it, takes naked photos of it and that sort of stuff! And actually the thing about Jake being a wolf and calling it animal sex or something, thats just stupid, then you should not watch any vampire/werewolf movie ever made. No one actually has sex in the book except Edward and Bella, not as we know of at least (or, not that I noticed are the right words for that I guess) and that comes to the necrophilia, well, again, don't watch any vampire movie ever made, especially not Buffy the vampire slayer. Because almost everything in the Twilight series is ripped from there.

The List of things that happened in Buffy before Twilight:
*A human and a Vampire falls in Love: Buffy - Angel (has sex) & Buffy - Spike (has sex, multiple times)
*"Abusive Boyfriend": Spike tries to rape Buffy in the end of the series (Season 6 I think)
*The Vampire leaves the heart broken Human who finds a new dark creature - Angel leaves Buffy heartbroken and she turns to Spike.
*The vampires and Werewolfs don't kill each other: In Buffy, Oz don't kill Spike or Angel even if he probably would have wanted to if he could, and Jake don't kill Edward
*Vampires not drinking human blood because of "soul": Angel got cursed with a soul, Spike got first a chip then he wanted a soul on his own so they didn't kill humans, they lived of pigs blood.

Well, those are the things I can come up with right now, I have had other stuff on my mind, but this is enough I think.

List of things S. Meyer forgot when creating her vampires ( I dont care one bit if it came to her in a dream)
1. Vampires BURN in the sunlight, not sparkle, that means, they can NOT be outside at day even if it's cloudy.

I won't give you anymore reasons, all I say is read Dracula, Carmilla and watch Buffy and you will see how a real vampire works!

I really hope this whole post makes sense now.

Ok, I don't like Twilight, I think it's a poorly written piece of litterature, with unrealistic themes and to many repeatings of the same thing. The story is old and not in anyway innovative, but some people are taking both the bad and the good things WAY to far and that makes the whole thing worse as they are competing who will get the most attention, the haters or the lovers.
Feminism is brought back, yeah, an independent woman, but Edwards values are his and Bella likes them, and some feminists today are worse in that way than those anit-feminists are in the other way. Necrophilia? yeah, well then don't like vampires and hate all vampires that exist, but I don't think necrophilia is a good thing, but right now, you who argue for the fact hes a ficitonal person, forgets that he is actually a FICTIONAL person, does the necrophilia count in the same way then? I think thats up to you really, and there is no actuall evidence that Vampires are dead, they are actually UNDEAD and I think that depending on how you see, what theory you have for vampires being created this is an open question, me I think there are more of a virus spread, altering your DNA, mutating it. Animal sex, the Bella - Jake relationship, well, I don't think he knew he was a werewolf, and they are actually not animals, but not human either, so I won't get into that, thats way to complex for me, and the phedofilism, is as said before, not phedofilism until he does something, the imprinting thing could be a way around it, but as said before it's FICTIONAL and there are to many things not being correct for someone to bother about the fact imprinting is impossible, i mean, are vampires possible at all?
People need to before thay say stuff, think of the whole picture.

Me myself I will never read Twilight again as I prefere non-sparkling cool vampires with guns, who kill and drink peoples blood, or try to. I need storys that compete with the mind and are well written and deep.

This is my opinions, Im very open to hear yours and I understand the arguments of both the haters and the lovers side and I really can't be botherd with being either a hater or a lover as I see there is so much more you can do to lif than putting all your energy on that, I only wrote this becasue I want to improve my english and it seems like a hot topic.


lördag 6 februari 2010

6th February

Well Helloooo Love!

Jeez, such a dip I had the other night, I was sooo close onto slipping back into old habits, but I'm so glad I didn't really! That could have been devestating. Yikes!

Ok, now let's see... Theeee X-files! Yay! Im on ep no 5 today. Going to see if I can finish watching the first season this evening. Been up since 10 this morning to watch films. Great day! Also my hand is cramping from writing, letters, I seriously have been doing to much typing at the computer, I had forgotten how it feels to write 7 pages by hand! And it's killing me! :)

And I have now realised that the grades to get into nursing is waaaaay to high for me! Thats soooo troublesome! But I have decided to start studying biotechnology instead! I will tell you specifically as what later on though, as I haven't decided yet what specifically to study!

This is a poem I wrote the other evening when feeling really bad. Hope you like it.

Mystery, life is such a big one
But is there really an answer to this?
I can't see, I can't even guess.
Does all mysteries have an answer?

Why is my path not clear?
What is this dark? I can't touch it. I can't smell it.
But it's suffocating me!
It reacks of fear.
Fear of being alone, being the only one.

My broken body, my broken spirit.
It's hard to breath.
Everything is spinning. Round and round.
Life is not black or white, it's grey.
No good or evil, everything are both, both are everything.

Body fluids mix, pink and salty, thick and watery.
The coldness is here, among us.
The warmth are drawing further away.
Gripping the heart.
My limbs are stiff. It hurts.

This is a mystery.
An unknown path so familiar.
Ive walked it so many times. Never found home.
Never realised.

Well, thats it :) Its really dorky and probably will everyone who reads it call me emo or something, but at the moment, I can't really bother. It's not my favourite poem, but it's raw and I like it.

If people like it I can add more of them, I got a billion, most of them in my head, just waiting to be written or printed!
