torsdag 30 juni 2011

Snape made my day!

Våran kära stat har gjort det igen!

Svenskt näringsliv vill att svenska högskolor ska ta ett steg bakåt i utveckling, öppenhet för alla och möjlighet till utveckling och spetskompetens inom vissa ämnen bara för att de anses vara "lågproduktiva".

"Enligt en rapport från Svenskt Näringsliv borde studiebidraget sänkas för högskoleprogram inom konst och humaniora och lånedel i stället höjas."

För att vi som är intresserade av att jobba med annat inte ska ha samma möjligheter för att vi inte vill bli ingenjörer. Vad jag undrar är, vart går gränsen för humaniora. Ligger religionsvetenskap där?  Vad händer då med våra religionslärare runt om i landet? Om man nu läser till till exempel bibliotekarie, och vill ha någon av LNUs "temakurser" inom litteraturvetenskap, ska man då få mindre bidrag?
Anser man då att bibliotekarie inte är ett ordentligt jobb?
Eller svenska lärare för diverse nivåer som vill läsa litteraturvetenskap och ha kunskap inom de böcker som faktiskt är populära i våran samtid?

Vad säger ni om det?

"Då får man signaler om att utbildningen inte kommer att ge så stora chanser i framtiden, säger nationalekonomen Malin Sahlén till Ekot."

Vad ger då stora chanser i framtiden. Med tanke på att någon som sitter på ICA verkar behöva ekonomutbildning, så är det inte mycket som ger stora chanser i framtiden, speciellt inte när våran borgerliga regering vill att de som är 65 skall jobba ännu länger, och att pensionsåldern ska höjas.

Ska elever läsa saker som de inte kan, inte vill, och inte har något som helst intresse av bara för att det råkar hamna inom en viss specifik genre? Kurserna har nytta även de! Bara för att man läser konst eller humaniora så betyder det inte att man inte pluggar mycket, eller har användning för studierna.
Det här känns som att vi sitter fast i en ganska gammal och uttjatad stereotyp om just konststuderande. Är det inte en bra idé att Sverige börjar gå framåt?
Många av de här kurserna är förövrigt intressekurser som kanske inte blir använda i en examen. Någon som läser en "ordentlig" linje kan mycket väl läsa de här kurserna, bara för skojs skull.

Förövrigt skulle en sådan förändring göra att allt färre läser, speciellt eftersom att de kurser som kommer anses ha en större chans att överbelamras med sökande, och ett stort antal kommer att få ett negativt svar, och därmed kommer (om arbetsmarknaden fortfarande kommer att fortsätta ställa krav på högskoleutbildning) antalet arbetslösa bland unga att öka ännu mer.

"Dessutom riktar Svenskt Näringsliv kritik mot "slöstudier" eller lågproduktiva utbildningar. De lågproduktiva utbildningarna bör enligt organisationen få mindre pengar från staten."

Enligt min uppfattning av högskolestudier, läser man det man tycker är roligt.
Många av de kurserna som på senare tid har fått stark kritik i bland annat aftonblandet, är kurser som går på sommrarna, och låter studenter ha något att göra, men MÅNGA av de studenter som läser de här kurserna jobbar, eller på något sätt finaniseriar sina studier på annat sätt.
Sen, vem VILL egentligen behöva ha med CSN att göra? Att slöplugga och lura till sig pengar fungerar inte för CSN är mer än lagomt förtjusta i att hålla i sina pengar. Det är svårt att få tag på dem, och det är svårt att få ansökan godkänd.

De pengar man får som bidrag, är såpass lite, att de kan man inte leva på hur man än gör, och det verkar som att många har missat att man lånar de övriga pengarna, och måste betala tillbaka hutlösa summor. Så ska då de som har större chanser i framtiden att faktiskt få välbetalada jobb betala tillbaka mindre?


Här säger en av studenterna om sommarkuser:
"Det är väl om man har svårt att få sommarjobb så kanske man söker en sommarkurs som är lätt att få poäng och pengar för, säger Julia Fager Franzén."

Vilket är så långt ifrån sanningen som det går att komma.
Vissa kanske gör det.
Vissa kanske söker, som sagt, för att kunna överleva sommaren, då alla inte har föräldrar som går med på att betala deras lägenheter, men för det sagt är det inte lätta poäng alltid.

Vissa som söker kuserna har redan jobb och tjänar sina egna pengar, tycker kurserna är lätta, och gör det helt och hållet för nöjesskull.

Vad man än har för orsak till att söka en sommarkurs (få pengar, snabba upp tiden det tar att göra klar sin examen, spetskompetens, rent nöjesskull) så betyder det inte att vissa är bättre än andra.

Att läsa sommarkuser får i det här fallet en dålig status, men ÄR ett mycket bra alternativ för de som faktiskt inte kan hitta ett jobb. 

Jobb, Cooper och inget viktigt alls!

Tänkte bara uppdatera lite.
Det blir lite dåligt med det nu när jag har endel att göra i skolan, inte så mycket fantasi om vad jag ska skriva om och så, men jag försöker i alla fall!

Igår var jag ner till Växjö på arbetsintervju. Nu har jag ett jobb som verkar riktigt najs faktiskt!
Jag kommer ha ett jobb som påminner om att vara fritidsledare på en idrottsskola för unga barn. Passar mej som handen i handsken!

Sen, på måndag ska vi till Gröna Lund, och leka och ha kul, och sen... Lyssna på ALICE COOPER!

Precis som alla andra Cooper fans var nästan alla mina sminkningar under högstadiet inspirerade av Alice!
Han kanske är gammal och sliten i vissas ögon, men jag hoppas och tror verkligen att det här blir awesome!

2:a september hade jag gärna åkt och sett Danko Jones också! Jobbar jag inte på lärdagen efter det så är jag ganska säker på att jag åker då!

tisdag 28 juni 2011

Ska skosnören vara så långa?

Vilka sjukt gamla fötter jag ser ut att ha!

Hur går det ett år senare?

Fyra kampsports klubbar i Växjö vill jobba tillsammans. Ju-jutsu, karate, judo och aikido.

Det här var för ett år sedan. Är det någon som vet hur det går idag?

Bilden har inget med artikeln att göra, utan är något som jag kluddade ihop för ett par år sedan!

måndag 27 juni 2011

My new goals...

... are not going to well actually!
June 20th I wrote a post on how my new goals went on. Now, six days later... I'm back where I started.
I just hate it when it's holidays, and you are not able to train as you usually do!
On the other hand, knowing me, and knowing there were opportunity to drink lots of soda, and I didn't and I didn't eat that much ice cream... It could have been a LOT worse!

I now have 19 days, to lose 3 kilos.
(Okay, I will have to see after my period is over, as I might have gained a bit weight in just water, but as it seems, I'm back where I started.)
The fact I have even more homework to do this few weeks (which means more time sitting on my butt).

To even try and make this possible, I have planned on 1800 kcal a day, and I will do ten minutes of "weightlifting" before I go outside and run/do aikido, and ten minutes after.
This will not make wonders, and I will not loose huge amounts in 19 days, but it might make a small difference! Also I will add one more day of running. I will write 2,5 km on all, but it might be 3 some day, and some day I might do interval training... But this is the basic schedule.

So now it looks like:
Mondays: 10 min "weightlifting", 2,5 km jogging 10 min "weightlifting"
Tuesday: 10 min "weightlifting", aikido, 10 min "weightlifting"
Wednesday: 10 min "weightlifting", 2,5 km walking (I still need to rest my body, but this will differ between walking and running) 10 min "weightlifting"
Thursday: 10 min "weightlifting", aikido, 10 min "weightlifting"
Friday: 10 min "weightlifting", 2,5 km jogging 10 min "weightlifting"
Saturday: Rest
Sunday: 10 min "weightlifting", 2,5 km jogging 10 min "weightlifting"

Also I will try and do my best to add a an hour or so of boxing, and if my legs feels okay, I will try and jump some rope. But that's only if I can find motivation, and time, and energy!

I said I was not going to make a schedule, but now I need to see results, preferably quick. I just can't stand it failing to reach a goal I have made for myself!

söndag 26 juni 2011

What kinds of books do I like?

After reading the two first books about Abarat, I have realized a few things about books, and what kinds of books I like. The four main things are:

  • I like fantasy books, especially about magic, and in surroundings similar to the real world.
  • I like scary books, and this is almost any genre.
  • I like vampire books! 
  • Books by Neil Gaiman
I have read a lot of fantasy, magic, horror/terror, vampires recently, and some from the Romance era, and these three things are part(s) of my favorite books.

Okay, I liked Abarat, but I found some things in it, similar to other books, that I read first, and liked, and therefore I prefer those over Abarat.

Some of my favorite books are therefore:
  • Emma Bull - War for the oaks
  • Gaiman - Interworld
  • Pamela Dean - Tam Lin
  • J.K Rowling - Harry Potter
  • Charlaine Harris - The Sookie Stackhouse novels
  • Desperation - Stephen King
  • Del Toro & Hogan - The Strain
  • Gaiman & Pratchett - Good Omens
  • Anderas Roman - Mörkrädd
And you get my point! Because I'm not going to write anymore books, that would most probably take me forever to finish, but most of the books in my bookshelves ARE fantasy, scary or contains lots of vampires.

But that doesn't mean I don't like other books.

Jostein Gaarder's books for young adults and children are really great, Sigge Eklund writes amazing books, and I like some people memoirs really a lot. One of my most read books is Nikki Sixx memoirs, and the book I'm the most disappointed in losing, is Tommy Lee's book!

What is kind of books do you like?

Nya sommarskor!

Eftersom att mina andra sommarskor har ett stort hål på tån, och börjar bli så slitna i sulan så det känns som att jag går på marken, så var det dags att köpa sig nya sommar skor.
Eftersom att sommarskor för mig är något som man lägger lite pengar på, och använder just på sommaren. 
Converse ingår där inte, då de är dyra, och används betydligt oftare än på sommrarna.
Så därför blev det ett besök på skokanonen.

Jag blev helt totalt kär i de söta röd/vita skorna, men kände att jag behövde ett par svara också, bara för imagen skull liksom! Man får ju inte börja tro att jag tappar den helt!

torsdag 23 juni 2011

Eftersom att jag inte kan gå in i en bokaffär som en normal människa...

Så kom jag självklart ut med en påse böcker!

Jag har ingen aning om de är bra, men Jonatan gillade Mörkersikt av Johannes Källström mycket!

Emo/scene ankle socks

Sådär ja! Klar med mitt senaste stickningsprojekt. Ett par emo/scene ankelstrumpor (också kallade bögstrumpor?) i rosa och svart.

Huvudfärgen är (som ni ser) rosa, med svarta detaljer. Meningen är att det svarta bandet i mitten ska hamna mitt på foten.
Till de här strumporna använde jag c:a 100 gram (kanske lite mer) av Molly-garn.
 Jag älskar verkligen Mollygarnet. Det är så mjukt och tjockt!

(Jaaa, den bilden blev inte så jävla bra nej. Vet inte riktigt vad som hände där egentligen!)

onsdag 22 juni 2011

My day, from morning to evening

Finally, I managed to make it out of bed. Recently, it has been so hard to actually get up! 
Now it's time for breakfast, and then to hang the wash to dry!

And yeah, as you guessed, this will be edited from now, till this evening.

Published a post on Abarat book 1

Okay. I do have a slight problem.

I'm sat here, having to read the Iliad, the beginning of some Babylonian epic poem, and ABOUT the bible. All I want is to curl up and read about.. Eric Northman!

I have just finished the first book of Abarat and began with the second, and I have the two first books about Earthsea waiting for me, the swedish book Anarchy in Åmot and some other fantasybooks. The books I want to read is the fourth book by Charlaine Harris!

I think the though of school work is making it boring at the moment, and the fact that I'm just waiting because we're going to see the fourth Pirates of the Caribbean film tonight!

Applied for a few jobs as a children's coach in sports! I really hope I get one of these! They seem like pure fun!

Cooking dinner! Omnomnom!

Read trough the parts of the Iliad I was supposed to, and now I', stuck with  Babylonian mythology. Even though it was more interesting than I though.
Later I'm going to pick up some books!

Picked up books, finished knitting my socks and gotten pissed of at this piece of shit crap blog for being a f**khead not letting me add pictures!

Off to the movies to watch the new Pirates of the Caribbean film!

Home again. Review the film here:
bit disappointed

måndag 20 juni 2011

More new goals

Well, as you all (of course) remember, June 11th I made up some new goals in participation for my uchi deshi week in July. 

One of the goals was to be able to run 2,5 kilometers, under 17 minutes. Yesterday I beat that time. I ran on 16min50sec!

Now I feel like I have to put up a new goal!

So from now, I need to be able to run 2,5 kilometers in 16min30 sec. 
I have now also started to run 3kilometers, but the first time I did that, it went so bad, I'm not sure I dare to try again today! But I think so.

On my other goal, to lose 3 kilos (almost 7lbs(6,6lbs) or about half a stone (0,47st), for you who don't know how much a kilo is), is going okay. This morning I was at 67,8, so I have lost 1,3 kilos! (almost 3lbs!)
I'm rather pleased actually!

As soon as I get my money, paid the things I need to pay, and so, I will see if I can get a "12-time stamp-card" at the swimming-pool, and try and do some swimming too!

Actually, I have realized, that I have no rewards or treats if I can actually manage these two goals.
I had in mind buying a new pair of jeans, or a few books, or maybe a swimsuit... But I have no idea. Should I be setting two rewards as I have two goals?

Please come with suggestions!

I know know what the goal will be if I manage to lose the weight. I found a pair of really cute short shorts last time we were at stadium. If they are still there. I will buy them!

Even though I think I found a pair in black? I need to check that up again!

Aren't they nice?


And for those of you who wonder if I will have rewards for the actually two time I have beat my running-time so far? Maybe. But probably no. I have one day a week that I can eat anything I like, but recently, that day has occurred more than once, so therefore I will not reward myself for that. But maybe I will get some small rewards if I beat the time again so that I can make a new goal time! That's why it's so hard to add a goal. One can not have a to big reward, but this weekend in Sweden there is a festive holiday... So we'll see!

söndag 19 juni 2011

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory


Charlie Bucket (Freddie Highmore), a poor boy living in Scotland whit his family. In the town, Willy Wonka's (Johnny Depp) (the worlds most amazing chocolate-maker) closed down factory exists, but one day, people start to see smoke from the factory again. It is announced that there will be five golden tickets in the candy-bars sent out to the stores.

The first was found by a German child named Augustus Gloop (Philip Wiegratz), the second by Veruca Salt (Julia Winter) from England, the third by Violet Beauregarde (AnnaSophia Robb) from Atlanta, USA, and when the fourth ticket was found by Mike Teavee (Jordan Fry), from Denver, USA, Charlie becomes rather disappointed as his chances of getting the tickets are very small.

One day, Charlie finds a ten pound bill, and buys a chocolate-bar, in it, he finds the last golden ticket, and are invited for a day at the factory, and at the end, someone will win an amazing price!

Johnny Depp in one of his craziest roles, but the film is cute, and I think it really is a family-film, and even  younger children can see it.As I remember from reading the book, it does not follow it exactly, but rather well, but I think Willy Wonka is not as eccentric in the book, and he has no problems with his parents, which I think is a nice add from Hollywood (for once!). Even though, of course, the idea of the film is that, do not be greedy, and you will get what you want, it works, but as it is adapted from a children's story, getting the morale completely out of the story is hard. 

I personally would have liked if Helena Bonham Carter had a larger role, as she is an amazing actress, but she is okay as a mother. I also see it rather fun that Christoper Lee is Willy's angry father!

I would really recommend the film to anyone. It suits everyone,  and Johnny Depp makes Willy Wonka more interesting than what he is in the book, and he has an opportunity to really go crazy (a lot better than when he was the Mad-Hatter in Alice in Wonderland). This was the second film Freddie Highmore and Johnny Depp works together, and in this one, Freddie has grown a lot.


Once there were a war, between man and vampires. Man though they had win, but they were wrong. 

When the "Priest" finds out his brother (whom are portrayed by Stephen Moyer, most known as Bill Compton in True Blood), and the woman and child the priest had left for his brother to take care of, had been attacked by vampires, he leaves the city, and breaks the vows he once made to the church.

A really good movie!

You feel like they have taken The Matrix(a lot of the fighting haveMatrix-feeling), added some vampires (evil ones), and then put in a few wannabe-Batmanbikes, and some Star Wars feeling, and voilá, you have a filme based on a Korean manhwa.

The fighting is of course unrealistic, but it is well-executed, and the vampires are really cool, as they are not sparkling, or not human at all, as the humans and the vampires are two different races. There are ONE human vampire, and he is the first of his kind.

One thing that I felt was really good with the film was the fact that they did not linger to much in things "unnecessary" for the plot. 

I would really recommend the film to everyone who loves nasty-ass vampires, and it has a nice touch of religion vs. vampires, that I have not seen in films.  Of course, there are some cliches, but one can live with them because the rest of the movie makes up for it.

I think this movie actually worked better in 3D than other films I have seen, and the animation at the beginning of the film was one of the best I have seen in cinema (only the one in the seventh Harry Potter film has been close to as good!).

New blogs

I have on this account started two new blogs!

These will be specific film: and book: blogs, and I will try and review all books and films that I have seen.

I will give a hint on what will come!

In the DVDplayer: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
Reading at the moment: Abarat Book 1

lördag 18 juni 2011


Once there were a war, between man and vampires. Man though they had win, but they were wrong. 
When the "Priest" finds out his brother (whom are portrayed by Stephen Moyer, most known as Bill Compton in True Blood), and the woman and child the priest had left for his brother to take care of, had been attacked by vampires, he leaves the city, and breaks the vows he once made to the church.

A really good movie!

You feel like they have taken The Matrix (a lot of the fighting have Matrix-feeling), added some vampires (evil ones), and then put in a few wannabe-Batmanbikes, and some Star Wars feeling, and voilá, you have a filme based on a Korean manhwa.

The fighting is of course unrealistic, but it is well-executed, and the vampires are really cool, as they are not sparkling, or not human at all, as the humans and the vampires are two different races. There are ONE human vampire, and he is the first of his kind.

One thing that I felt was really good with the film was the fact that they did not linger to much in things "unnecessary" for the plot. 

I would really recommend the film to everyone who loves nasty-ass vampires, and it has a nice touch of religion vs. vampires, that I have not seen in films.  Of course, there are some cliches, but one can live with them because the rest of the movie makes up for it.

I think this movie actually worked better in 3D than other films I have seen, and the animation at the beginning of the film was one of the best I have seen in cinema (only the one in the seventh Harry Potter film has been close to as good!).

onsdag 15 juni 2011

Safety on a bike!

One thing I have noticed, and that has been even more noticeable since I moved here, is that barely anyone uses a helmet when riding a bike.
Okay, I went from using one as a child, to thinking I was too cool to use one, to deciding, well, if I fall over... My head will probably get rather beaten up! So I decided that now when I have started to ride a bike again, I will use a helmet. Especially as there are a lot more cars going around where I bike.

Even though (it seems like) Sweden are getting less and less accidents with bikes involved, I think that using a helmet is vital.
As the numbers on how many injured and killed differs a lot from where you look, you can figure it out for yourself that one could reduce the amount of deaths if people had been using a helmet.

Think of it like this. In a car, you have more protection. On a bike, you have none!
Okay, if you get hit, and you (in some miracle way) does not land on your head, but only your body get damaged a helmet will not help a lot, but on the other hand. A liver, a kidney or a heart is (even if that is hard to) is easier to transplant than a brain, and wounds in other parts of the body will heal, a brain damage can make you unable to live life for the rest of your life. And according to some statistics, if half of the people who died had used a helmet, they would have lived.

As it seems, boys are the ones who has the most injuries, both by adults and children, and I think that is because they are more rash than girls are, and I (even though I have no proof for this) believe more girls use a helmet than boys. But it is important that you use the right kind of helmet. An adult should not use a kids helmet, and a kid should not use an adults helmet.   

The most injuries are caused by poorly maintained bike-ways. Gravel, broken asphalt, bumps, ice and snow are some of the most common reasons why there is accidents.

I think that not using a helmet is rather stupid, and anyone who doesn't use one, is probably not careful with their heads, or do not care if they get seriously injured. Well, I think that people who does not use a helmet are stupid, no matter how "intelligent" they are, because if they can not figure out the dangers of not using a helmet in traffic, then they probably are not very intelligent.

tisdag 14 juni 2011

#23 - Hur det var att växa upp i skogen.

Haha, ja det kan man ju fråga sig!

För den som inte vet, så växte jag upp c:a två mil norr, nordnordväst om ett obcent litet ställe som heter Gräsmark som ligger i Sunne kommun i Värmland.
Och det är rent bokstavligt talat mitt ute i ingenstans. I princip det enda man ser i flera kilometer är skog, skog, skog och mera skog.

Det som jag anser är bra med att ha växt upp där är att man har sluppit storstadsstressen.
Man behöver inte vara rädd för trafiken när man är liten (i princip... vi hade en granne som körde som en j*vla idiot).
Man behövde inte vara rädd för något egenligen (förutom älgar och så...)
Det var lugnt och tyst och det fanns alltid något att leka med och en stor gräsmatta och skog att leka på och i.
Det var nära till badplats och man kunde ha katter, som (för det mesta) inte kissade inomhus.

Det som jag ansåg var lite negativt eller tråkigt med att växa upp där var att man hade långt till kompisar och till skolan.
Det var i princip långt till allt.
Vi hade heller inget internet då, så man kunde inte hålla kontakt med kompisar på det sättet...
Man kunde inte lära sig åka inlines eller skateboard eller något, för det fanns ingen asfalt.
Det fanns ändå en hel del farliga djur som gjorde skogen läskig (älg och varg och rådjur är de djur som jag sett fär i alla fall).

Jag tror att egentligen hade jag en ganska bra uppväxt, men som vanligt minns man bara det dåliga skulle jag tro!

måndag 13 juni 2011

Jesus was the first vampire!

Well, after some really serious thinking. I have came up with this theory. (and this post will be up for changes during the time as I will try and evolve the ideas!)

Jesus Christ was the first vampire. The only reason the church introduced a lot of ways to kill vampires was just to cover it up.

Think of it..

Jesus told us to drink his blood and eat his flesh... What does vampire do? They drink blood! (Also, this is because vampires are snobbish zombies!).

Jesus died, but "lived again". Well, this makes him either a zombie, or a vampire, and as I have established the idea that Jesus is a vampire = a snobbish zombie... Well... You see where I'm going with this..?

Also he had 12 people following him. One theory is that they were sired by him, and therefore he was their master. Mostly because they were there when he shared is "blood and flesh", and that must mean they got infected.

The last point I will bring up is the fact Jesus lived again after "dying". If you look at some of the traditional ways to kill vampires, none of them were tried when Jesus was crucified and "killed". They did not use Garlic,  nor did they stake him or behead him.(as I see it, vampires are able to walk in the sun, if it's going to work with the idea of vampires being snobbish zombies).

So therefore... Jesus were the first vampire!

Det är inte varje dag man får så rolig post!

söndag 12 juni 2011

Bilder från igår, men köp från idag!

Var iväg till plantagen i Linköping för att köpa ett körsbärsträd. Tyvärr var Stella träden slut, så vi hoppas de får in fler i nästa veckan. Men istället blev det ett plommonträd när vi väntar.

Trädet som vi valde heter Opal, och vi valde mellan det och ett till, men det här var självfertilt, så vi valde det för enkelhetens skull. Nu får vi bara hoppas att det trivs hos oss!

 Sen filosoferade vi över om vi ska ha hallon också, men vi tror att vi har hallon redan, så till slut blev det en björnbärsranka som vi ska sätta intill väggen, på en klätterspaljé!

Vi köpte en rabarber också. Vi velade länge om vi behövde en eller två, men vi bestämde att vi skulle om den inte tar sig köpa en till nästa år i så fall! Så one it is!

Ska bli spännande att se om det tar sig i lerjorden här nere i Linköping... Annat växer ju bra, tyvärr också ogräs och maskrosor! Och brännässlor, för de har jag redan bränt mig på en gång idag!

Tyvärr hittade jag en massa saker som man ville ha som bara var snygga också!

Läckert och lantligt! En sån kruka ska jag köpa, och en kruka som ser ut som en rosa hink!

Massa läckerheter för den som tycker om lantlig inredning!

Krukorna som jag pratade om hade jag tänkt att ställa på ett sådant bord, men bordet kommer jag att göra själv i så fall, om Jonatan nu bestämmer sig för att göra en kökssoffa så att jag kan få lite överblivet virke!
Jag tror det skulle bli lite snyggt!

Drömmen vore att kunna ställa tre lite olika stora krukor ute på baksidan också, och på framsidan ska vi ställa en blåaktig lagerhylla med en balkonlåda med hängväxter, och eventuellt plantera en vindruvsranka som får klättra på någon spaljé av något slag, så att det blir lite skugga åt Jonatan.

lördag 11 juni 2011

New and old goals

I had before the seminar with Lasse and Mark said that if I was below 68 kilos and participated in all the classes at the seminar, I would be allowed a cola float.
And I did it! The day we left, I was 67,8 kilos and I did participate in all the classes! So the cola float was mine! Om nom!

From today I have 5 weeks, then I'm going to be a 7 day Uchi Deshi, and I have decided that I am going to put up a few new goals till then. And also, I will put up before and after pictures!

The two goals will be:

  • Lose 3 kilos (My start weight being 69,1 kilos, and yeah, I have gained a bit since I got back from the seminar).
  • Run 2,5 kms in less than 17min  (and this I am pretty sure I will actually succeed with, as I ran on 18min 42 sec one day and two days later I ran on 17min 47 seconds, and I have no plans on letting it get worse!
I really feel confident I will manage this.

"Before" (actually, now) Pictures (and yeah, I look horrible I know... But hey... It will change, so who cares?):
Starting weight: 69,1 kilos
Waist: 80cm (31,5")
Butt: 103 cm (40,5")

I have no specific training schedule. I might get a gym card, I might not. I will go out running with Jonatan, we have a gym ball, rubber bands, a yoga mat, jumping rope and I will do aikido. Also I will try and go out and bike as often as I can, now when I only study full-time and not more than full-time this summer! Also I will try and eat properly as well as I can, but I won't be saying that I will eat veggies and nothing else, I still want to enjoy life!

fredag 10 juni 2011

Pictures in the rain

Yesterday the rain and thunder were just all over.
I tried to capture the pouring rain on picture. Don't know if I succeeded?

torsdag 9 juni 2011

My vampire collection!

A classmate of mine gave me a good idea for a blog post after she said she wanted to go through my vampire collection. Here it is!

Books and comics:
The Vampire Hunters Handbook - Van Helsing
Interview with a Vampire - Rice
The Vampire Lestat - Rice
Queen of the Damned - Rice
The Tale of The Body Thief - Rice
The Vampire - Polidori
Sookie Novels 1-8 - Harris
Undead and Unwed - Davidson
Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter - Grahame-Smith
Buffy The Vampire Slayer 1-3
Rome & Juliet & Vampires - Shakespeare, Gable
Little Vampire Women - Alcott, Messina
Varney the Vampire - Malcom Rymer
Twilight - Meyer
Buffy Season 8 Collection 1
Buffy Omnibus 2
Dracula - Stoker

Academic books:
Vampyrer - Höglund
Twilight and Philosophy  - Wisnewski
Fighting the Forces - Wilcox, Lavery
Not your mother's vampire - Overstreet
The Vampire - Dundes
Buffy goes dark - Edwards, Rambo, South
Twilight and History - Reagin

Films and TV-series:
Blade, the TV-series
True Blood season 1
Underworld Evolutions
Vampire Hunter D - Bloodlust
Buffy the Vampire Slayer 1-7
30 Days of Night
Lost Boys - The Tribe
Interview with a vampire
Blade II

And missing is:
Låt den rätte komma in - Ajvide Lindqvist (Let the right one in - Ajvide Lindqvist) as it is down in Växjö, because Jonatan already have a copy of it.
And there are some Dracula films missing:
Dracula by Coppola
Dracula (a alternative one, British that went to TV)
Dracula 2000 

So there are at least 4 pieces in my vampire collection missing...

Then there might be some other ones missing too, but in that case.. O well...

I put Harry Potter in Slytherin (Part 1)

The children stood silent, waiting in the great stairs. No one could say anything; they were just stunned by the greatness of the big school. Harry, who was not the only one, but probably one of very few who knew nothing about witchcraft and magic, noticed any little thing. Had his parents really been wizards? He knew now why Aunt Petunia hated them. That was surely not in her and her husband’s sphere of normal.  A thin, blond-haired boy came up to him.
-          So, it is true then. The famous Harry Potter, have come to Hogwarts.
Harry looked up at him.
-          Draco. Draco Malfoy.
-          Well. I heard you know my name. No idea of introducing me.
The blonde boy smirked and got back to his place between two of the biggest thugs in the crowd. They were almost as big as Harry super-fat cousin Dudley.
A door opened, and an old woman came out. She stood in front of them, her big hat almost as big as herself. Ron, the red-haired boy whom Harry had shared the coupé on the train with gulped. He looked so frightened.
-          Dear Student. I am professor McGonagall. I welcome you all to the new semester at Hogwarts. In a moment, you will be allowed to join the party inside, but first. A sorting ceremony will begin. Everyone line up in order of last name.
Ron gave Harry a puff, and disappeared to the end of the line.
-          Follow me!
The children followed McGonagall in through the enormous double doors. In the next room, there were hundreds of children aged 12-17, placed at four different corners, with their house-colours hanging above their heads.  In the middle of the room there were a small stage rigged with a chair, and a big hat next to it. It looked almost like McGonagall’s.
-          I will now read the names of each one of you, and you will put the hat on, and it will sort you into your houses. We start with Ms. Abbott!
Harry was amazed. He had never seen anything like this ever before. Except for that one time at the zoo when one of the glass-pieces at the snakes just vanished into the empty air and a snake spoke to him...
-          Hermione Granger.
A small girl with lots of buzzy hair went up. She looked more nervous than Harry was. She, too, probably had no idea what this was. Maybe she too had lost her parents long ago, and knew nothing about wizardry.
-          Fucking mudblood, Harry heard someone behind him say. But he couldn’t figure out who.
He could hear the har shouting out: Gryffindor, and the girl ran off to sit with her new friends, among them, three boys looking spookily alike Ron. Must be his three brothers.
-          Draco Malfoy.
Harry saw the blonde-haired boy walk over to the stage, and sit down. The hat barely touched his head before it shouted out: Slytherin!!!
-          Harry Potter!
Harry took a big gulp, and went up. He saw how all the others were watching him. Most of these children had grown up, knowing that he. Harry Potter was the only one who had survived an attack of the dark wizard, at the age of just one year old. He was the reason the Dark Lord had disappeared, and not been seen since.
He sat down on the chair, and the hat was put on his head.
-          Hmm, he could hear in his head. The famous one has arrived at last. I have been waiting. Now let’s see. You’re courageous. You are smart, but not that literate, you rather show of your skills by hand. Hmm... I wonder. You would be able to do wonders. But where to put you?
Harry looked around, and he saw the whole room looking at him. The head master almost standing up to see what was going on.
The silence was ear deafening. Then the hat had taken his decision.
-          Slytherin!
A gasp went through the crowd. Slytherin was where you-know-who had been when he was at school. It was the birthplace of every evil and nasty witch and wizard that had ever roamed the earth. Professor McGonagall took the hat from his head and smiled. But Harry could never have guessed what was going on in her head, what she was thinking.

onsdag 8 juni 2011


Today we had a BBQ in the nice weather!
It has been really hot, so it was really nice to sit outside in the yard, even though the sun was not shining down on us.

Just because we have theeee sexiest table cloth ever!  

Om nom nom!

And Jonatan was eating lots of meat... As usual...

I am a werewolf/vampire hybrid!

I have trough some observations trough out my life realized I am a werewolf/vampire hybrid.
A bit like Michel Corvin in Underworld.

First of all, I am almost alway cold. Really, really cold.
And pale. I can be out in the sun for hours, and barely get any color at all!
But still, I am very sure that I am a werewolf as I have found things like ripped pillowcases and scratch marks at the head end of my bed at my parents. And also, my period cycle follow the full moon.

So, I am pretty sure I am a hybrid.
My werewolf side is something I can't remember though... So I guess it means I am a vampire all month except for the week around full moon!


tisdag 7 juni 2011

Filosoferat över min examen!

Har suttit idag och filosoferat över min examen.
Har nu efter den här terminen 73,5 hp, vilket gör att det fortfarande fattas 106,5hp, men det är i alla fall bättre än vad det kunnat varit.

Huvudämnet är filmvetenskap, och där ska jag ända upp till C-nivå. Nu har jag klarat de första 30hp som innebär filmvetenskap grundkurs (A-nivå).
Till hösten har jag sökt två kurser som tidigare i alla fall har legat i fortsättning och kandidatkursen, och hoppas de gör det nu också, så att man kan slippa och plugga så sjukt mycket nästa vår!

Utöver det kommar jag att lägga dit 30 hp med religions vetenskap (grundkurs), och 30 hp med litteraturvetenskap i form av 7,5 hp kurser. De som jag redan klarat är Fantasylitteratur, Skräck och romantik och från Halmstad The Origins of Todays horror, sen har jag sökt en skräckkurs till i höst som avslutar det.

Som de sista 30 poängen som jag vill ha och hoppas kunna få läsa är amerikansk historia utifrån American History X, och amerikansk tv-drama, tillsammans med mytologi och japansk filmhistoria (från Stockholms universitet).

Jag känner att den är lite brokig... Men med tanke på vissa av ämnena som jag valt att skriva paper om så tycker jag ändå inte att det är helt fel!

Men nöjd skulle jag bli. Speciellt om jag får skriva C-uppsatsen utomlands! Tio veckor på annan plats vore riktigt coolt. Då är ju frågan om man ska försöka flytta så man kan träna kampsport på bra ställen, men tyvärr har universitetet inte helt geniala kontaker anpassade för det.

One of this weekends best pictures!


Thoughts about aikido and martial arts

Now, finally I have gone trough all of the pictures taken. I haven't sorted them in good and bad yet (read that blurry and sharp, because some blurry still are good pictures that show stuff!), but I have looked trough them, and erased the really poor ones.

Lasse Andersson showing a morotedori Ikkyo,
 uke Mika Perälä
As I said yesterday, Lasse and Mark are quite similar in how they do aikido. I remember thinking, "oh, that's what Lasse says too!", more than once this weekend, and I also said that "He says the exact same things as Lasse... Just in another language." This made this specific seminar fun, because you didn't have to spend time being confused over what the sensei did, and that makes it possible to get a high tempo training. This time, high tempo training were fun, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't train other styles of aikido too.

(All these pictures I have put up here are taken with my camera, but I have no idea if it's me or someone else who has taken them, and these seven are some of my favorite pictures)

I have came to realize during this weekend, that the most important part of aikido is the hip. Even if you're centered and breath at the right moment, and know the exact angles for any technique, the hip movement is still the most important part. You use your hip to get into a position with a great center. That is the most important thing I have realized now, and something I will remember and that will be vital in my aikido training, and this will probably be the things I build my aikido around.

Training ken outside.
Once again, I would say that martial arts, it's not a hobby. It is a lifestyle. You can bring so many things from your martial arts training into your regular life. Attitude, confidence, posture, and a lot of other things to. Of course it is a hobby to, but it still manages to get into your life in a way many other ways of training does not.

One could never do to little martial arts. And this is not just aikido, it is all martial arts, but especially in the older budoarts, and those who are origined from them, like judo, aikido, brazilian ju-jutsu, where posture and things are vital and important parts of the training, and those postures are easier to apply to daily life than others. 
I know that at least my confidence, my attitude and posture has changed in the few years since I started doing aikido, and also Kali Sikaran.

This is one of my favorite pictures from the weekend (one of a sequence, thank you Laila for your crawling on the ground to get this). All these pictures are unedited, and therefore there might be some stuff on it that I'm going to crop away later.
What Mark did, that was fun, was that he were telling stories about when he was with Saito-Sensei in Japan, but they were not to many, and they were relevant to the techniques or the situation. 
He also is very down to earth and likable, just like Lasse, and that is something I admire. They teach us to be humble.

From this seminar I will take with me:
1. The hip movements important part in aikido.
2. The strength my (lack of) length gives me.
3. The confidence and motivation to become good at aikido and take a black belt

As you see, neither is some important things in specific techniques or anything, and that is because it differs from sensei to sensei in how they do it, so that is something that will show over time which is the most effective way for me to do the techniques, but I will still remember the differences and apply them when they are needed.

I would definatley train for Mark again, so I hope to be able to. 

My thoughts about aikido and martial arts is that one should never train only one martial art, and I think that me doing Kali made my aikido better, and my aikido made my kali better, and I think that me trying BJJ, Sport Ju-Jutsu or Krav Maga also will improve my aikido, or if I decide to do something else.
If I could choose, these are the martial arts I would like to be real good at, and be a real good all-round martial artist:
Aikido, for the movement, the hip and the wrist-locks and joint-locks
BJJ, for fighting and wrestling on the ground with joint-locks
Kali Sikaran, for knife-defense, sticks and boxing
Judo, for throwing and falling
Kendo or Iaido for another understanding of the ken/sword

Every martial art has its own strength and only when understanding the differences and similarities and mastering them, one could say if it works or not.

Me with the two senseis!

måndag 6 juni 2011

Back home in Linköping after the seminar

Now I'm back home in Linköping after the seminar with Lars Göran Andersson, 6th Dan from Torsby and Mark Larson, 5th Dan from Minnesota. 

One thing I like with Mark, is that his style are similar to Lasses, and that he is alike Lasse in so many aspects, and it is those things I admire Lasse for, that makes me inspired by Mark. 

A longer blog on what I have learned from this seminar, and some more pictures will come tomorrow, I will take tonight to go trough them first!

fredag 3 juni 2011

Mobilbloggar från aikidoläger i Torsby!

Sitter hemma och har precis druckit en halvliter med Red Bull och börjar träna igen om c:a 40 minuter. För den som inte tränat för Mark Larson är det något alldeles speciellt! (I will do a longer post om what I have learned in English when I get back home and hold of a proper computer).

Men det jag lärt mig på morotedori kokyo-ho är guld värt.
Två saker slog mig... Det ena var att stora människor är inte är så farliga, och det andra att min korthet är tillfördel även om jag inte är så stark.

Sen har det blivit lite väl mycket ken under helgen, men jag ska ha cola float på måndag så här ska tränas med träsvärd både till höger och vänster!

onsdag 1 juni 2011

Sitter i bilen tillbaka hem till mig! Förhoppningsvis så har vi åkt en timme nu så att vi iaf har passerat Motala?
Mycket troligtvis ser jag ut på det här sättet också just nu!

Btw, jag får äta glass när vi åker hem för jag vägde under 68 kg! (67,8) Fett najs för mej med cola float på måndag!

Packar och gör mig redo (tidsinställt)

Är troligtvis i full gång med att packa och grejja för ikväll åker vi "hem" till Torsby och ascoolt läger med Lasse Andersson och Mark Larson!
Missade det förra p.g.a att jag inte hade börjat träna än då (det var typ våren -07, och jag började på hösten).

Najs... Bara svara saker i en svart väska. Det här kommer bli roligt att rota i sen när man har bråttom på morgon! Har varit med om det föut. Man har behövt en svart sak, bland alla andra svarta saker i en svartväska. Fast i vanliga fall brukar det vara mörkt när jag letar efter saker för att folk vill sova! Bortskämda slynglar!

Kommer väll blir lite mer "färg" sen när jag packat ner mina ännu inte torra gis.

Eller de ännu inte torra handdukarna! Hade vi varit i min lägenhet hade de varit torra långt innan man ens hunnit hänga upp dem, för där är det varmt! Oroväckande varmt ibland.

Ska hinna iväg och köpa lite frukt också före vi åker!

Sista minuten lappning av gi-byxa

En helt normal dag i en kampsportstränandes liv:

My own personal brand of heroin!

Okay, jag sminkar mig inte så där jättemycket längre, men om jag ska vara ärlig har jag fortfarande lite svårt att våga gå ut utan smink. 
Favoriten är i alla all mitt röda läppstift.

Okay, sotiga snygga ögon i all ära, men finns det verkligen något snyggar än riktigt röda läppar?

Någon som har något bra förslag på ett bra rött läppstift som sitter, utan att vara alldeles glansigt och glittrigt? Mitt smetar ju av sig på det mesta...