onsdag 22 juni 2011

My day, from morning to evening

Finally, I managed to make it out of bed. Recently, it has been so hard to actually get up! 
Now it's time for breakfast, and then to hang the wash to dry!

And yeah, as you guessed, this will be edited from now, till this evening.

Published a post on Abarat book 1

Okay. I do have a slight problem.

I'm sat here, having to read the Iliad, the beginning of some Babylonian epic poem, and ABOUT the bible. All I want is to curl up and read about.. Eric Northman!

I have just finished the first book of Abarat and began with the second, and I have the two first books about Earthsea waiting for me, the swedish book Anarchy in Åmot and some other fantasybooks. The books I want to read is the fourth book by Charlaine Harris!

I think the though of school work is making it boring at the moment, and the fact that I'm just waiting because we're going to see the fourth Pirates of the Caribbean film tonight!

Applied for a few jobs as a children's coach in sports! I really hope I get one of these! They seem like pure fun!

Cooking dinner! Omnomnom!

Read trough the parts of the Iliad I was supposed to, and now I', stuck with  Babylonian mythology. Even though it was more interesting than I though.
Later I'm going to pick up some books!

Picked up books, finished knitting my socks and gotten pissed of at this piece of shit crap blog for being a f**khead not letting me add pictures!

Off to the movies to watch the new Pirates of the Caribbean film!

Home again. Review the film here: http://epicfilmfreak.blogspot.com/2011/06/pirates-of-caribbean-on-stranger-tides.html
bit disappointed

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