torsdag 23 september 2010

My reason

There are reasons for everything I think, some reasons might be good, some might be not as good as some might be just as fucked up as...

Tam Lin, the reason for so much in my life.

( ; other versions for those who wants to check both musical and poems)

A scottish ballad, as beautiful as anything. If you listen to any of any of the musical adaptions of it you will be in awe as it will touch your depest.

It's hard to say exactly what it is that makes it so beautiful.

My first encounter with the ballad when I read the book "Tam Lin" by Pamela Dean, which is not an especially great book, it's very american, as the author is paid by how much she writes, not how good it is. But it was the book who made me realize I really want to study English, it was the book who got me to appreciate fantasy-litterature in a different way, it proved that you don't have to write books like The Lord of The Rings to be able to call them fantasy.
The way I can relate to the main character is probably the reason why I like it so much.
Usually when someone says he or she can relate to the main character (or some other character in a book) it's usually when it comes to something "cooler", like how your parents don't understand you or your teachers or friends, how you do not fit into society or something, but this girl, what she worries about is, school, and not her friends and teachers (not so much), but what to study, to study litterature, to study classics..?
And that is how my life has been the past year...
What to study? What to research? Do I want to be a double profferssor? Do I want to study more film science or English? Do I want to study in the US? When am I going to Ireland?
All those questions just floating around and everyone around me says to stop bothering, but, that's hard. I'm used to always know what will happen, what year I will be studying what, syllabus that are exact for years to follow, and now... I have to make this all by my self, to decide, what do I think is the funniest thing to study? Where to study? Do I wanna move away? How will I be able to cope being so far away from family? Will I be able to sort my finances...
Just more and more questions, and those questions can't be answerd till I am there, till I have taken the decision that takes me there.

Well, maybe sometimes just a book, or a song, or something else who touches you are what will show you the way, no matter how stupid it looks to everyone else, if it matters to you, then it has to be important.

See you again on Monday, book fair this weekend, and I hope all of you will make a great decision this weekend! :)

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