måndag 20 september 2010

The Election and stuff thats's actually fun!

Well, I guess I'll do a small post on the election last night in Sweden.

I'll have to say firstly that I'm not politically interested, not one bit really. I can come up with lots more fun things to talk about than politics, but as we had a election here in Sweden, I'll better fill in on what has happened.

The result ended up in a "red bloc" with ( (S)30,8 + (V)5,6 + (MP)7,2) = 43,6 %
and a "blue bloc" with ((M)30 + (C)6,6 + (FP)7,1 + (KD)5,6) = 49,3 %
and a new party (SD) with 5,7 % whom no one wants to work with as they are (like many other parties who has gained space in europe) racist.

Well, I think the best we can do it try and get trough this 4 years, that it would look like this was not surprising really, but we can't do much about it, everyone else was playing SD straight into their hands.
O well, I'm not that interested in politics so I'm not gonna say anything more than this. Reinfeldt is still our Prime Minister, and we'll have to deal with everything as good as we can, not much else to do.

Other than that.. The Mr went home today! *sadness*
I'll see him next weekend anyway though as it is book fair time again! On the other hand, I'm not sure how much moving I will do today, as I still feel pain in my stomach, I think I will rest today, and do as much homework as I can. In a minute I will go sit and watch Brazil! I'm so far behind on the film science course this week!

Also I'll see if I will be doing some scrapping, or knitting when I'm watching it, most probable knitting as I don't have to actually watch the knitting so that I can concentrate on the screen, a thing I can not do while scrapping! Going to make a really big sweater, long so that I can really huddle up in i during the winter. Also, I will try and get going with my "Goth-Doll" as soon as possible too!
I'll tell you more about that one tomorrow! Now I have to go watch a film before I toddle off for a short walk so that I will do some excersising today at least!


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