torsdag 16 september 2010

As I promised...

Well, as I promised. You well get my recipe for my toffee/caramel appel pie.

I usually don't have exact amount of everything as I do it according to how big the pie will be, but I will give it a try.

Put oven on 225 degrees C

Mix 2,5 dl of flour with 100 grams of butter and 1 dl of sugar (you can use brown sugar if you prefere that). You can also add some vanilla sugar if you like that (I use to do that if I can.
Make the batter smooth and let it rest in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.

While waiting peel 8-10 apples, depending on size and cut in pieces (you decide your self how big). Put only little water in a pot and add the apples and some cinnamon. Add about 1 dl of cream and 1 dl of syrup (may differ a bit, depending on how creamy you want it.

If the batter is done, put it in the baking tin and add the caramel/apple sauce o
n it (here you can choose yourself if you want to make it look like a real american apple pie or not. If you do, you might have to make some extra batter for the lid.
Put it in the oven till the batter is well done.

Serve with vanilla ice cream when the p
ie has cooled and the caramel has gotten creamy(ier).

And this is how my birthday cupcakes from yesterday looks likes! Yummy I'd say.
The icing is a lemon icing that are really great and can be used on almost anything. Just mix icing sugar and lemon juice together till it get thick, put it on the pastry and put it in the fridge for a w
hile and it will be awesome!

Speaking about awesome! My essay is now finnished and it looks freeeeaaaking awesome I think! Lots better than it did before I have to say...

Only thing is... My teacher are trying to convince me I don't know the swedish language.
In this example i have used the word medium... In SAOL this is the definition of 'Medium':
s. mediet; pl. medier hellre än media, best. pl. medierna hellre än media. kanal för informatio
ns spridning"
While she wants me to use the word media... Which when I look in a dictionary says "Look under medium"...
Way to go Sherlock...

Well, I actually think I was right on this one...

Weel, as it is my birthday, I won't moan to much about it, I'll just sit eating muffins and have a good time!

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