torsdag 7 januari 2010

6th January

The animation book takes up something realtive to what I'm trying to write about so that I can actually build my ideas on something solid! Thank God!

Finally something that works as it's supposed to be. Had a real good cry earlier as I for some odd reason miss someone, someone, and the only one I have actualyl hated. I don't anymore but I don't really like this person in particular either.
Also I realised a lot of stuff that will never happen and I just couldn't keep it in anymore!
Unfortunatley, it feels like I got no one to talk to about this!

Oh, how I wish I had a really close friend! But no, people just leave me as soon as things get rough! As usual. Just because people disagree don't mean that one of them have to block and stop speaking to the other. It's called having different opinions, and if people can't handle that, well tough luck getting trough life!

Woho! MacGyver-myths on Mythbusters! haha! It's so fun! Everything that I have been very sceptical too in the series is brought up! haha!
Well, Richard Dean Anderson is still an awesome actor!
But MacGyver is BUSTED!
And the easiest way to un-build a wall... C4!

Now I just want to go home! I have such anxiety fot this essay! And I realise now that when I'm not going down to Karlstad for a while I need to go to my biology and math lessons! So now I got to find the time table for that! I know when the biology is, but not so sure when math is.
Gosh! Well, least I only got till lates 15.00 to finish this essay, then it's DONE and I don't have to bother about it anymore!
Then I only have the litterature to worry about! But that's not to much work, I hope! And I got till January 15th to finnish it! And I have decided what subject to write on!

Now I just need to find some really good short horror novel and read! haha! But I need to the library on monday anyway so I will take this weekend to read the last novels that I have too and then I will google some horror storys and if I cant find any, ill just go to the library!

Oh dear, this will kill me!


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