lördag 2 januari 2010

2nd January

Well, so far I've survied the second day of the new year too! Which I assume is always good ;)

I ahve actually came a bit on my animation essay, even though I had to start all over writing it.
But at least I got 2 pages of the first part of the assignment done, and quite well written too I think. Now the hard part is to be able to cocentrate enough to actually read the book, which at the moment is hard as they are showing Dirty Jobs with Mike Rowe on Discovery!

Narration in a zoetrophe?
Well, yeah of course there is a narrative element! It's like saying there is no narrative element in a one square comic, and that could be a whole joke! Narrations means that you're telling something, and something are happening even if it's an endless loop on a zoetrophe!

Yeah well, if I just develop that a but more then I might actually pass the course. As said, it's gettin trough the book that is hard. Also I need to find a good stick figure or a animation where someone tries to find home to compare with my animation I made myself.

It annoys me though as I am reading a book filled with different articles/essays and 3 other articles and the authors of these has the fun habit of saying their opinons is fact instead and it bothers me. Although I think the article/essay on the Japanese artist/animator Tabaimo, who makes all her art and animation on the "pain" that she is the most ordinary of the ordinary -"futsuu no naka futssu". As I don't know much about Japanese art and customs, just what I assume and have been tild I think her different artworks seem very interesting. One I can remember now is that she made the period blood from a woman turn into the japanese flag.


I you want to know abit more about her. This is a video with Lena Essling at Moderna Museet telling us abit more about the Japanese girl.

(Haha, it feels a bit odd sitting here writing about an awesome artist as you're watching Mike Rowe performing an autopsy on a shark - and that sharks liver weighed 17.6 kilos, wow!)

I have some trouble with the authors of the essay of my books on the animation to wanting to make the animators and film makers special in saying they makes the films or the art close to what they grew up in or have gone through. That I think is common for everyone, artist, teacher, fire man, you do what you are used too and what you know. I once got the advise to when I was writing to never write about something happening in a country I had never been in or a situation I had never gone trough if I wanted the story to get the right feeling, and I think that is a very good advice, and that seems to be the same idea for those film makers.

Well, enough with the animation now, as I have the feeling a few more blog post will be about animation! ;p

... God how I miss my flat! I really want to go home soon again! But I want to finnish this essay and then have at least one or two more days so that I can go out snowboard before the winter is over, because unless I can get someone to come with me (which I doubt) to go to Branäs or Hovfjället or something I probably won't be going to mum and dads anymore during the spring.
O well, back to Mike Rowe


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