tisdag 5 januari 2010

5th January

Well, trip to Torsby to leave some stuff and get my printer.. Not a lot done today!
Fuck! O well, Iäll probably be up all night reading and writing my essay!
But first in an hour or so... MacGyver ep 2! Haha!

But right now my ninja mission is to find a nice 50's looking dress! Prefaerably a red with black dots! Or possibly white dots. I think it would look nice anyway!
If anyone knows where to find affordable dresses and other 50's clothes, please tell me! Also some nice heavy metal clothes! I don't make any sense now I guess, but in my world.. You can mix rockabilly with Mötley Crüe!

God how I hate this theory book! Unless it was so expensive, I would have tossed it out the window as soon as I was done with it, and maybe it could come in handy a little later on in life to.

Listening to: The Baseballs - Umberella

I'm actually thinking of as soon as I finished of this essay to start animating. And I have had a great idea. If you buy this stuff to build surrounding for bard games like Warhammer you could probably build really nice stages for animation, like in Nightmare before Christmas. Or am I totally wrong now? Maybe it is to tiny to be able to work with (I'm not looking for use of the little pieces being orcs and stuff now, just the other stuff).

I have to check up on that, but now I just need a good idea to be animating something too! I have this idea looking a bit like Tim Burton's Vincent, but still... Not...
Or maybe I should do something... Hardrock?
I'll have to check up on that. And probably it's going to be a no sound animation. And I have to learn to use flash too! Darn. I got so much to do! Maybe I should be happy not to get anymore courses at the university this term anyway. I know I want to do the russian, but maybe that's better for the summer anyway.

Hmm, I might have to develop my essay further on the statment that digital animations contians so much more than hand drawn traditional animations. All I say is.. Well.. "YEAH DUH!" God how some people can be stupid sometimes!

Right now I have 7 pages on the essay and 5 of them is the actual essay, and as it's supposed to be 6-10 pages, that means I'm sort of done! But I still got around 100 pages left to read of the book so I guess it will end up around 10 pages in the end anyway. Also the thing I have came the shortest with is the comparison with my animation and a professional one.
And that is really the hardest. To know what to write. I only have 1½ page there and I need a minimum of 3. So least I'm halfway there too.

No, now back to the writing and reading!


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