onsdag 7 juli 2010

I wanna be a Vampire!

It doesn't feel like I do anything else than read, read, read.
But I feel like I'm gettning nowhere either! Just so annoying!

Just been finnishing up Suzy McKee Charna's A Vampire Tapestry (in Swedish, and I feel like reading it in English instead, as I think a lot of stuff got lost in the translation).
A book that I didn't have much hope for, but I think it was a bit interesting anyway.

The idea of a lonely vampire, not knowing if there even was one more of him. A vampire who did live trough the different ages, but didn't actually LIVE in the different eras of time. Not knowing who he was or whom he was going to be. Also the affect some people got on his life. First it feelt a bit silly, you knew the therapist would get to him, still, the book was very readable.
I think the main idea with reading the book while discussing feminism and vampires is how the women got to him. How they very attracted to him, but HE didn't see them as sexual, he was not at all interested in sex, except for the few occasions when he need to sleep with someone to get food.

I'm not sure I will recommend the book, it was odd, and it was for sure not the best of books Ive read, and I didn't find it amusing in the way I think I was supposed to, but in a new way how vampires work. This one was not affected by day light, he could drink water, he didn't have fangs...
But he did drink blood, and I think that and the fact he couldn't die was the only things compared to more traditionall vampires he had.
The book didn't really tell us so much about the vampire and his weaknesses or strenghts(he even dismissed the book Dracula in the book), but the books was about his mental state, going from strong to weak, just because some, whom he thought was weak proved to be real strong, even stronger than him perhaps?

As I feel the vampires are getting wussier and wussier as more of them we get, there is no one really as mean as Dracula anymore. Apparently we don't want vampires who isn't human anymore, we prefere sparkling vampires over those hard core ones who starts to burn when they get in the sun, and I was a bit dissappointed when even Edward Wayland almost turned into a nice person!

Vampires are supposed to be evil, they live of human blood, they can not keep thinking of others when it comes to animal insticts.
I think the part where Weyland catches a doe and lets it go as he realizes he won't be able to keep the doe blood down as his body has refined to only human blood after they turned into the stronger specimen, is really good.
But looking at Twilight, where they drink only animals blood, would that mean the Cullens are evolving the "wrong" way? But on the other hand, the question on animals blood is brought up in Buffy, Interview with a Vampire, and in True Blood/Sookie Stackhouse novels they even speak about "synthetic blood".

Well, for me, Spike will always be the firs, the main vampire, together with Drusilla, closely followed by Dracula.

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