måndag 21 februari 2011

The un-censoured version of Twilight.

This is what really happened when Bella Swan moved to Forks, Washington.

Part 4

The next day Bella woke up, feeling better than ever. Her first day of school had gone extremely well, and she were ready for what the new rain had to give. She opened her curtains and realized it was... Rain.
- Oh crap!
She dressed herself and went down to the kitchen. Her dad made a fat fry-up, she could smell the bacon all the way up the stairs.
- Hey Bells. Want some?
He showed her the pan with the almost burnt bacon, the egg, and the fatty sausages, and Bella almost threw up.
- Er, no thanks. I do with cereals.
- You really should eat something.
- Well... I am aren't I? I'm eating cereals!
- Oh, for Christ sake Bells! You know what I mean!
- Yeah, yeah. I need to eat, I'm so skinny, blah, blah, blah... Well, I'll eat later. Now, I want cereal!
He father sighed.
- And by the way dad. If you want to, I can...
- Make my my breakfast?
She realized he knew exactly how poor he was at cooking, and laughed.
- No dad, but I can teach you how, to cook it.
- Sounds good.
Bella put the cereal bowl in the sink and put on her coat and went out. Today the rain was more normal. It didn't creep in all the way under her coat, it stayed pouring down. She ran to her car and jumped in, and the engine started with a roar, and she was off to school.

When she came there, she saw Jessica first thing.
- Hey Bella.
- Hey Jess.
They walked into the school in silence.
- So, did you catch the film on TV last night?
- Erm...
Bella didn't know what to say. She had been up reading all evening, and she didn't know if that was accepted among the "cool" people here.
- Well, it was awesome! I mean that boy he was just...
- Problem solved, Bella thought. Jessica was good enough talking for all of them most of the time.
- Hey you!
Mike came up and put his arms around both of them. Jessica shone up and cuddled up with him, while Bella tried to get loose.
- Hey Mike!
- How's you Bella?
- Fine, just tired of the weather.
- Mike, did you catch the movie last night.
- Yeah. Did you Bella?
- Erm, no. I was doing other things. You know. My dad, we haven't spent much time together and you know... He wants us to get to know each other.
- Oh, tough luck.
- Eh, wasn't to bad I guess. So, what's our first class today.
- Your lucky day Bella! Biology.
Bella froze for a second.
- Oh. I forgot.
They walked over to the science labs and found their classroom. The Cullen boy were already in his seat when the three of them walked in.
- Hi Edward, Bella said and had a seat.
- Hi.
The teacher walked in and in his arms he had a big pile of onions.
- Well, class. Today we are going to see the different stages of mitosis. Grab ONE microscope from the cupboard behind you for each table. This is a GROUP work, and you will not only be graded at your answers, but at your ability to work together.
Bella swallowed.
- Should I go get one? he asked her.
- Huh?! What?
- Microscope..?
- Oh, yeah. Please do.
She watched his floating movements and couldn't help but be amazed. It was some sort of a sexual ring to it, but she didn't know how, and why, and what. Still it scared her, and a cold shiver went down her spine. She was amazed, still terrified of him. This time she was so relieved she had already done this, as she had troubles concentrating at the task in hand.
Bella were so into one of the slides she didn't realized he were not in his seat anymore. Still looking into the microscope she started to speak.
- So, which you think this is?
- I think it looks like the prophase.
He were standing behind her, just an inch from her face and she could smell his sweet breath, and feeling it on her neck.

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