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Visar inlägg med etikett vampyrer. Visa alla inlägg

tisdag 6 mars 2012

Akira's Red Eyes

Rosealine satt på balkonen, nedanför henne rusade trafiken förbi. Att hon flyttat till Tokyo, det skulle hon aldrig ångra. Hon såg på staden framför sig, i alla dess neonfärger. Hon hade så fort hon var klar med gymnasiet sökt in på en högskola i Tokyo för att komma bort från hålan hon var född och uppvuxen i.
Egentligen hade hon bara tänkt vara borta tills hon var klar och sen flytta tillbaka till Sverige och Stockholm, men nu var hon 27, och hade inte en tanke på att åka tillbaka hem.
Hon bodde på översta våningen i en av de lite dyrare bostäderna i en av de lite sämre stadsdelarna.
 Hon hade lyckats att få takvåningen som var både stor och rymlig med stor balkong, och eftersom att hon inte bodde så långt från stadskärnan så kunde hon se och höra allt det liv och rörelse som försiggick men slapp att vara mitt i den hela tiden.
Efter att ha suttit där i någon timme bestämde hon sig för att gå ner till den närmsta ramenshoppen som bara låg något kvarter bort, åt centrum hållet till.
Hon drog på sig sin tunna skria stickad tröja över linnet och jeansen, och stoppade plånboken i den lilla axelväskan. Med en snabb blick i spegeln konstaterade hon att hon med sitt gröna hår såg ut som en mangafigur, och därför passade bra in i det japanska street modet.
Hon började tycka att vid 27 års ålder borde hon växa upp och börja på ett vanligt jobb, men hennes utbildning inom humaniora och konst gjorde henne till en av de mest eftertraktade konstnärer slash konstkritiker slash galleriföreståndare i hela Tokyo, om inte i hela Japan.
Hon satte sig på samma stol som hon brukade, och kocken kände genast igen henne, och hon behövde inte ens berätta vad hon ville ha utan han la genast bort sin mangabok och började laga i ordning nudlarna.
”Varför så ledsen?” frågade han.
”Åh, det är ingen fara. Jag är bara trött. Det har varit mycket på jobbet nu, men jag antar att hösten alltid innebär mer arbete, när alla konstnärer, poeter och diktare bestämmer sig för att göra något med sina intryck från sommaren, och då vill alla ställa ut samtidigt, men resten av året går det knappt runt.”
Han ställde ramen skålen framför henne, och återgick till sin serietidning. Rosaline kunde höra steg bakom sig, någon slog sig ner två stolar bort från henne.
”Ge mig en skål av den ramen som går fortast att göra. Jag är vrålhungrig.”
Det var en man, som inte var mycket äldre än Rosealine var själv. Han var kläd i svar kavaj, med skjortan uppknäppt och jeans. Han såg ut ungefär som alla de konstkritiker hon jobbade med på olika tidningar, och hon kunde inte avgöra vem det var, även om ansiktet kändes bekant, (även om hon tyckte alla asiater såg likadana ut) inbjudande på något sätt.
”Varsågod.” sa kocken innan han satte sig och läste slutet av sin tidning.
”Hey, Rose, om det kommer någon och undrar vart jag är, så är jag bara och hämtar nästa bok, och jag kommer snart tillbaka.”
Rosealine mumlade ett ja tillbaka, munnen full, och nickade med huvudet så att han skulle förstå att hon hade hört honom.
Hon tittade upp, och såg in i de brunaste ögon hon någonsin hade sett. De var åt mahogny hållet och hans lite ljusare hy vittnade om att han hade åtminstone en icke-japansk förälder.
”Hej.” sa Rosaline  ochlog mot honom och hon såg hur han rodnade och tittade ner i bordet. Han hade nog inte trott att hon skulle svara.
Efter ett tag lyfte han huvudet och log mot henne, och flyttade till stolen bredvid hennes. Precis då kom kocken tillbaka, och han såg de två, och gav dem ett uppmuntrande leende. Efter att ha presenterat sig för varandra så kom Rosaline på vem han var. Han hade ansökt ett par gånger om utställningar hos henne. Hon hade accepterat några, men inte alla. Han var duktig, men det var tyvärr inte han som drog mest publik. Han hade något makabert över sina verk, men de var fortfarande vackra, tyvärr tyckte inte stora delar av Tokyos kulturelit det.
”Du, jag bor alldeles runt hörnet. Jag vill visa dig en sak.” sa hon till honom. Hon hade blivit så fascinerad av hans senaste utställning på ett mindre galleri, att hon hade sprungit direkt hem, och målat.
Han tittade på henne, och funderade, men accepterade sedan inviten. De följdes åt hem till hennes våning. De småpratade hela vägen. Han sa att han brukade läsa hennes spalt i tidningen, och det fick henne att rodna, och istället började hon prata om honom.
”Hur länge har du hållit på?” frågade hon. ”Du ser ut som du har varit med i hundra år, perfektionen i det du gör.”
”Åh.” sa han. ”Jag har varit med ett tag. Längre än du skulle jag tro. Mycket längre.”
Det kryptiska svaret förvånade henne, han såg ju så ung ut. Men hon funderade inte mer på det, utan när de kom fram till lägenheten så låste hon upp dörren och gick före honom in i lägenheten. Hon tände ljuset i hallen, men mannen, som hette Akira, såg ut att tveka.
”Men kom in då!” ropade hon från lägenheten. ”Du kan ju inte bara stå där, tänk om det kommer någon! I och för sig, då skulle de ha något att prata om.”
Akira steg in genom dörröppningen.
”Rosealine, kan du inte låta några av lamporna vara av. Det… blir mysigare så.”
”Åh.” Rosaline stannade i en rörelse och tog bort handen från ljusknappen. Precis då hörde hon hur dörren slog igen, och hon såg hur ljuset i hallen slocknade. Hon stelnade till. Något kändes väldigt fel. Atmosfären i lägenheten kändes tryckt.
Hon kunde se Akira komma in i rummet, de titigare bruna ögonen lyste nu röda.
”Var inte rädd Rosie, inget ont kommer att hända dig.”
”Varför gör du det här mot mig?” frågade hon, med darrande röst.
”Kan du inte känna det? Ända sen du såg min första tavla har du haft någon sorts länk med mig. Du vet precis vad jag menar.”
”Alltså, om det var för att jag nekade dig att ställa ut så kan vi fixa det, jag måste bara…”
Innan hon ens han att blinka så stod han bakom henne, han greppade hennes armar och tryckte in dem mot hennes kropp, och tryckte sig emot henne. Hon kände kylan i hans kropp när han tryckte sig emot henne.
”Det har inget med det att göra lilla Rosie, det har med att göra att du nu tillhör mig.”
”Tillhör dig… Vad menar du med det?!”
Rosealine var nära att få en panikattack.
”Det jag menar är det här.” sa han och drog undan skynket som hängde för den delen som Rosealine använde som studio. Hon tittade, och hon tittade länge.
Hennes bilder. Dränkta med blod och målade helt i svart. När hade hon gjort det här egentligen. Hon kunde komma ihåg att hon hade gjort några makabra bilder, men hon älskade färg, det var därför hon bodde där hon gjorde. Så hon kunde se alla de färger som var Tokyos kvällsliv. Det här var inte hennes verk.
”Ser du.” sa han. ”Ser du vad du har åstadkommit?”
”D-de-t-t där ä-är inte mi-mitt.”
”Åh visst är det ditt. Det är ditt innersta, din längtan, efter mig, och vad jag är.”
”Vad är…”
Länge hann hon inte förrän den skarpa smärtan efter att hans huggtänder trängt genom hennes hud i halsen, spred sig ner i resten av kroppen. Hela hennes högersida var förlamad av smärta, och hon kände hur hon försvann ner i mörkret.
       Den smärta som hon kände var värre än något hon någonsin känt. Det kändes som hon föll genom ett hav av eld. Hela hennes kropp brann av smärta, hennes ögon sved så att hon ville slita dem ur ögonhålorna. Hennes rullade sig runt henne, och försökte kväva henne om och om igen och hennes leder kröktes så att de såg deformerade ut.
Tillslut blev allting svart, och all smärta försvann. Hon öppnade sakta ögonen, och såg att hon låg på golvet i sin studio. Det var mörkt, och tyst. Hon satte sig försiktigt upp. Hon trodde att hon hade ramlat på något och slagit sig, men hon kände ingen smärta någonstans. Hon ställde sig upp och såg sig själv i spegeln. Då såg hon att i soffan satt det någon. Hon kunde bara se ryggen, och med tanke på hur bred den var antog hon att det var en man. Han hade kort svart hår, och kavaj på sig. Hon gick sakta dit. Vem var det?
”Ah, du har vaknat igen.” sa han och reste sig upp. De röda ögonen lyste.
”Akira!” hon sprang fram till honom. Han höll armarna öppna som för att krama henne, men fick en chock när hon slog omkull honom.
”Vad fan har du gjort med mig? Vad fan är det här?”
Akira log. Hon var precis lika tuff som han hade trott. Det här var det som han hade väntat på så länge.
”Vad tror du?” sa han och flinade mot henne.
Om Rosealine inte redan hade varit blek så hade man sett att all färg försvann från ansiktet på henne. Hon hade trott att det var någon sorts makabert skämt. Det hade inte förvånat henne det minsta. Hon vräkte in han i garderoben och gick och satte sig på soffan. Hon såg i ögon vrån hur Akira kröp fram och satte sig på golvet framför henne.
”Det kanske inte var vad du hade tänkt, men om de känner efter så kommer du att känna att det här är det rätta.”
Hon tittade på honom och han lade huvudet i knä på henne.
”Min drottning.” viskade han.
Rosealine lyfte huvudet. ”Nej, kanske det inte var så illa ändå.” tänkte hon när hon smekte honom över huvudet.

fredag 1 juli 2011

Big disappointment

A few weeks ago, I bought the first eight books of the Sookie Stackhouse novels. 
After a while, I finally decided, it is time to go onto reading the fourth books.
Recently there have been a lot of vampire reading, but right now, I feel like this is what I want to read...
And the rest of the books I have borrowed, will go back to the library... Unfortunately, because I would like to read them...

I have heard that the fourth book are supposed to bring up Eric Northman a lot more than in recent books. In my world, Eric Northman does not look exactly like Alexander Skarsgård, but close enough.

So when I read on the back of the book:
Maybe that's why, when she comes across a naked vampire on the way home from work, she doesn't just drive by. [...] Eric looks just as scary and sexy (...) as the day she met him."

My thought was: Yeah man! I'm going to read about a naked Eric Northman! Om nom nom!

When I came to that specific part in the book it read:
I had a moment to notice that the man was tall, blonde, and clad only in blue jeans (...)
Hey! Wait a minute! That is not right. Wearing jeans is not being naked!

This is being naked:
Okay, he is not completely naked... But more naked than running around in jeans!

And yeah, for those who haven't already noticed... I'm sickly obsessed by vampires!

måndag 13 juni 2011

Jesus was the first vampire!

Well, after some really serious thinking. I have came up with this theory. (and this post will be up for changes during the time as I will try and evolve the ideas!)

Jesus Christ was the first vampire. The only reason the church introduced a lot of ways to kill vampires was just to cover it up.

Think of it..

Jesus told us to drink his blood and eat his flesh... What does vampire do? They drink blood! (Also, this is because vampires are snobbish zombies!).

Jesus died, but "lived again". Well, this makes him either a zombie, or a vampire, and as I have established the idea that Jesus is a vampire = a snobbish zombie... Well... You see where I'm going with this..?

Also he had 12 people following him. One theory is that they were sired by him, and therefore he was their master. Mostly because they were there when he shared is "blood and flesh", and that must mean they got infected.

The last point I will bring up is the fact Jesus lived again after "dying". If you look at some of the traditional ways to kill vampires, none of them were tried when Jesus was crucified and "killed". They did not use Garlic,  nor did they stake him or behead him.(as I see it, vampires are able to walk in the sun, if it's going to work with the idea of vampires being snobbish zombies).

So therefore... Jesus were the first vampire!

torsdag 9 juni 2011

My vampire collection!

A classmate of mine gave me a good idea for a blog post after she said she wanted to go through my vampire collection. Here it is!

Books and comics:
The Vampire Hunters Handbook - Van Helsing
Interview with a Vampire - Rice
The Vampire Lestat - Rice
Queen of the Damned - Rice
The Tale of The Body Thief - Rice
The Vampire - Polidori
Sookie Novels 1-8 - Harris
Undead and Unwed - Davidson
Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter - Grahame-Smith
Buffy The Vampire Slayer 1-3
Rome & Juliet & Vampires - Shakespeare, Gable
Little Vampire Women - Alcott, Messina
Varney the Vampire - Malcom Rymer
Twilight - Meyer
Buffy Season 8 Collection 1
Buffy Omnibus 2
Dracula - Stoker

Academic books:
Vampyrer - Höglund
Twilight and Philosophy  - Wisnewski
Fighting the Forces - Wilcox, Lavery
Not your mother's vampire - Overstreet
The Vampire - Dundes
Buffy goes dark - Edwards, Rambo, South
Twilight and History - Reagin

Films and TV-series:
Blade, the TV-series
True Blood season 1
Underworld Evolutions
Vampire Hunter D - Bloodlust
Buffy the Vampire Slayer 1-7
30 Days of Night
Lost Boys - The Tribe
Interview with a vampire
Blade II

And missing is:
Låt den rätte komma in - Ajvide Lindqvist (Let the right one in - Ajvide Lindqvist) as it is down in Växjö, because Jonatan already have a copy of it.
And there are some Dracula films missing:
Dracula by Coppola
Dracula (a alternative one, British that went to TV)
Dracula 2000 

So there are at least 4 pieces in my vampire collection missing...

Then there might be some other ones missing too, but in that case.. O well...

tisdag 24 maj 2011

#20 - Vampyrer.


Vilket awesome ämne jag hade idag!
Nu blev jag faktiskt lite glad!

För den som har missat det, så startade min kärlek för vampyrer med Spike i Buffy the Vampire Slayer, som jag började titta på så snart som det började sändas i Sverige. Spike, med sin råa, brutala och elaka personlighet passade mig alldeles utmärkt, fastän jag var knappt tio år gammal.

Sen dess har det fortsatt. Jag såg En vampyrs bekännelser, och då tyckte jag filmen var helt okay. (Jag har sedan dess insett att Brad Pitt inte är min favoritskådis, och börjar ogilla filmern för det). Och efter det gick det bara utför.

I bokväg har jag läst mer vampyrböcker än jag kan räkna på båda händer, två gånger, och däribland har jag även läst alla fyra Twilight böcker, 3 gånger. Inte för att jag tycker om dem... Men för att de har varit kurslitteratir. Jag har läst om alla sorters vampyrer från de mesiga Cullens, till Dracula och de avskyvärds monstrena i Del Toro och Hogans nya bok Släktet. Jag har läst boken som utvecklade vampyrer till det de är idag, John Polidoris The Vampyre. Jag har läst tre av mina hitills åtta inköpta böcker av Charlaine Harris. 
Och ännu fler böcker står på listan. Både riktigt kvalitativa böcker, men också böcker som liknar de SMeyer har skrivit. Jag vill ju läsa om vampyrer!

När det kommer till filmer har jag inte samma "skills" när det kommer till vampyrer. Jag har sett Underwoldfilmerna, jag har Lost Boys - The Tribe. Jag har som sagt sett Buffy och En vampyrs bekännelser, men också filmen med Gary Oldman som Dracula. Jag har sett Stuart Townsend som Lestat och jag har sett alla tre säsonger av True Blood. Jag har sett och jag har läst 30 Days of Night. Och jag har sett filmer som jag inte kan komma ihåg vad de heter. jag har till och med hittat svenska vampyrer, som filmen som är baserad på Ajvide Lindqvists bok, och Frostbiten.

Vad är det då som gör att jag tycker om vampyrer så mycket?
Skillnaden mellan vampyrer och andra monster, är att man just inte uppfattar dem som monster (dom är egentligen snobbiga zombies). De är så mänskliga (i alla fall så har vampyrerna sedan Carmilla varit det), så man tror att de inte utgör något hot, man vet inte ens att det inte är en människa man ser.
Samtidigt låter de heller aldrig något hålla dem tillbaka, de är rovdjur som gör som de vill. 
En vampyr är värre än ett monstruöst rovdjur, för det man bör bli rädd för finns inte där.

Det måste bli endera vampyrerna i True Blood, även om många av med är lite mesiga, men självklart även vampyrerna i Buffy. Joss har gjort några av de absolut bästa vampyrerna genom tiderna. 
Samtidigt så gillar jag Anne Rice vampyrer lite grann också, men inte på samma sätt.

Carmilla är normbrytande och den första kvinnliga vampyren.


måndag 9 maj 2011

onsdag 4 maj 2011

Lite vampyrer idag också!

Jag sitter fortfarande och filosoferar över ordet Skarsgasm. Ett fantastiskt bra ord egentligen!

Har precis köpt in de 8 första Sookie böckerna nu, de bara råkade hamna med när jag beställde en kurslitteratur bok. Inte riktigt meningen, men... Nu fattas bara bok 9-11!

Jag tycker det är kul att man bestämt sig för att man ska forska om vampyrer. Har precis skummat igenom boken Odöd, blek och hungrig - vampyren i bok och film av Nils Ahnland, som var fantastiskt bra tyckte jag!
Den kommer jag definitivt att försöka köpa på mig snarast!
Tillsammans med Anna Höglunds Vampyrer får man en helt fantastisk överblick över hur vampyr myten såg ut från början!

Värd läsning tycker jag!

Just nu tror jag att varenda bok jag läser innehåller något med vampyrer:
Släktet - Del Toro & Hogan
Carmilla - La Fanu
Det Mörka Tornet - King
A Southern Vampire Mystery - Harris

och så har jag börjat med bok nummer 2 i serien om varulven Elena...

Och jag ska hinna skriva tre stycken tentor under våren? Lycka till för mig känner jag...

tisdag 3 maj 2011

Dagens ord - Skarsgasm

Tänkte bara dela med mig...

Undrar om den finns med i Sookies almanacka med "ett nytt ord om dagen"?!

söndag 1 maj 2011

New obsession

Okay, I mentioned it before, and now I will let this have a whole own post.
My new obsession:

Eric Northman!

In this case, there is two! One from the TV-series, and one from the book.
I like both!
Neither of them are actually better than the other, and I want both of them!

Alexander Skarsgård, makes a perfectly hot, evil bad boy Eric Northman, Eric Northman in the Charlaine Harris books, are just a bad boy the same, but still, he is showing a lot more... love? Maybe it is lust, but he really wants Sookie, that I can't notice in the Northman portrayed by Skarsgård.

I have never really been interested in anything Skarsgård before, but hey, anyone can change their minds, can't they?
And the Northman I imagine through Charlaine Harris, omg...
That is just...
Sometimes, I am really happy for my great imagination!
That is even sexier than the picture above! Seriously.

Imagine this.
Muscular, but still not to bulky
An angelic face
Half long really blonde soft hair
Big crotch?

A serious bad boy who wants you for the evening, but has no value in his promises, who do what ever he wants.


I seriously do not understand why Sookie wants Bill. Bill is lying, running away, mentally abuses her, cheating on her and on one occasion rapes her, and he says "I love you Sookie", Eric says "I will have you close as long as you are useful to me, but I want to do you", and he means it, I really think that being with Eric would have been a more healthy decision for the poor little woman. (or well, if it is what it takes to be one with Eric, I can be that poor little woman any day!).

I just realized. I am a film science student, with minor in literature.
Can I do work on True Blood/Southern Vampire Mystery?
Yes I can, and some day, I will!<3


Sookie Stakchouse novels

There are a few things I have noticed now when I have been reading through the third of the Sookie Stackhouse novels, Club Dead.
Some of the characters are different from the True Blood series, and some of them surprised me quite a lot!

Bill Compton - Oh my god! Bad mouth Bill! He is seriously a lot more dirty mouthed in the books than in True Blood! I mean, in the TV-series he is a lot more polite, and he rarely says things like "I would like to fuck you till you faint" or something similar in the TV-series! And he also feels a lot more self obsessed than in the TV-sereis.

Eric Northman - (First of all, this is my new obsession. I need a fix of Eric every day!) I feel like he has a more prominent sexual interest in Sookie in the books than in True Blood. It feels like he's more obsessed with Sookie, than the character that Skarsgård is portraying. He does things that he does not do in the TV-series, so therefore, no Jessica for example (at least not yet...), that is scary... But I think I like him even more in the books than in the TV-series. If I was Sookie, I would do Eric (and Alcide) straight away!

Sookie Stackhouse - Oh, I don't know, sometimes she seems smarter, and sometimes she feels dumber than in the TV-series, but I say that over the whole, she is a lot smarter than in True Blood. It feels like she don't run off doing lots of stupid things like she does in the TV-series. She has some backbone in the books, even though I have doubts no person would ever behave like she does, dating a vampire or not...

Jason Stackhouse - Almost non-existing in the books. He has, even though he probably has done the whole town, a steady girlfriend. That is soooo different from the Jason in True Blood, really. No stupid decisions, even though he

Lafayette Reynolds and Tara Thornton - Okay... Really non-existent in the books. Mentioned, but not much more.

Sam Merlotte - I don't know. I would say that he is a lot more open with liking Sookie a bit too much in the books, he is a bit more secret with it in the TV-series. And something more is off, I just don't know what!!!

torsdag 21 april 2011

A secret love (Buffy The Vampire Slayer Fan Fiction; Willow + Spike) Part 2

Spike went over to Willow, towering over her. Willow pouting a bit, stretching her neck out so that Spike could see all of it. He bent down, and when he bit into it, Willow could feel why Spike is so powerful. Every muscle in his body tensed. He was on alert, not for enemies now, but to not drain Willow.
They had managed to get around the chip in one way. The chip only worked if he wanted to harm someone, but if Willow invited him to, and his intention was not to harm, he could feed of Willow as much as he wanted. 

After a while he lifted his head, and took Willow in his arms and into the bedroom, where he put her on the bed. He could see her small breasts heaving up and down slowly. He had maybe drank a bit to much, but she were going to recover soon enough.
He started to undress her, unbuttoning her dress, and slowly peeled it off. Then he took his shirt off. He snapped up Willows bra, and started to play with her nipples, his fangs still out. Willow groaned a bit, she loved this, he knew it. If she could decide, he would do everything with his fangs out. He started to kiss her, slowly down her stomach and down between her legs and ripping her panties off. He could feel her shiver, and her thighs locked around his head. For every lick, Willow shivered more and more, and he quit just before she climaxed, going back up to her nipples, and up her neck. His crotch pressing hard against her. He lifted his forearm to his face and bit, his own blood dripping all over her, and he put his arm to her mouth.
- Drink, pet, drink deep.
Willow drank, and he could see the life coming back to her in full strength. She half sat up, flipping over so that she were on top, sliding down to unbutton his pants. Her hands feeling his erection trough his underwear, and slowly, slowly taking them off, her hands all over him. She straddled him and slid him into her, and they both moaned loudly. Willows hips moving slowly and then faster as Spikes hands touching her.

When they both climaxed, Willow bowed down and bit Spikes chest, knowing how much better it would feel. Drinking the blood would make it so much more powerful, and when done, Willow collapsed on top of him, both of them panting. She could still feel him inside of her, and she didn't slide him out until he were completely non-erected.
She flipped over and lay next to him, he heaved himself up on the side so he could watch her. As he lay there naked, playing with her hair she took him all in. Everything from the piercing eyes and the perfect nose, to his abs, legs and glutes. Everything were perfect.
- Well, I got to go pet.
- No, please stay.
- Unless you want a dust pile of a lover, I better go. Either the sun will catch me... Or Tara will.
Tara! Willow had completely forgotten about her coming home today.
- When can I see you again? she asked.
- Depends on. Make a drop by at the crypt when you feel like it. He bent over and kissed her and then sat on the side of the bed to dress. Willow crept down under the duvet, and she could hear him leave. She sobbed a bit. She loved Tara, and Tara were great to her, and Tara loved her back, and Tara were secure. But Spike were something else. Something she earned for every hour of the day even though she could barely be in his presence  as. But she wanted the rock hard abs, the wide shoulders, and everything that came with it at night.
She knew exactly how her friends would react if she said she dated Spike. They would abandon her, and leave her to it, and Spike were not safe, he could kill her at anytime.

Thinking of this and deciding this was a problem for another night, Willow fell into a dreamless sleep, as she always did after drinking vampire blood, and even though she was with Tara, she knew this were not the last time this were going to happen, her body already longing for more blood, for more of Spike.


onsdag 20 april 2011

Vampyrdag idag.

Idag har hela dagen gått i andan av skräck och romantik.
Jag har lyssnat på föreläsningar och läst artiklar.

Idag ÄR jag en vampyr!

Nu när jag är klar ska jag lägga mig och läsa Charlaine Harris - Dead until Dark fram till kl 17! Då blir det mer skolarbete i form av gruppchattar!

The girls of Buffy The Vampire Slayer - Part 2

This would probably be the coolest mother in the world. But as Buffy need to look perfect, flaws are needed on Joyce, so that one can like Buffy better. She is shown as a mother who does not know anything about her daughters life, but I see that's not true. She knows nothing because I see Buffy does not trust her. Joyce loves Buffy no matter what, but Buffy still puts her through so much pain. 

As I see it, she is not trying to wreck Buffy's life. If Buffy had, had a good relationship with her mother, she could have told her. Joyce is just as concerned as any other mother with a teenage daughter, and when finally Buffy and Joyce seems like they are getting a better relationship, Dawn ruins everything. 

As I said, Buffy need to be portrayed as the perfect one, Joyce have flaws, and therefore some say she send Angel away, did you miss the fact Buffy pierced Angel, condemning him to hell, even though she knew he was not evil anymore..? If something's sending one away, I would guess that takes the price. Joyce only warn Angel not to break Buffy's heart, not knowing Angel's problem with the soul and being afraid of just that scenario, as Buffy is not really the girl to know where you have in a relationship.

Still Joyce is very open to what Buffy and her friends are, but still she is always the last one to know about everything, which seem unfair then that Buffy can say "But moooom!", when she won't tell what it is about, even when she gets older because it's "safer". Well nice on Buff, how can she be safer is she knows not what's after you? It's more stupid to run over, say, "No worries, but I can't tell you what not to worry about", than to give a ring, or if you have to run over, and say "Worry about this, if you see it, call me or Giles and run like hell!". Not telling would not make it harder for the creature to hunt the mother down, but as usual, phones are never used in the correct situation in American TV-series/Films.

Well, back to Joyce. Joyce, is loving, caring, open and tries to be as good as she can.
I would love to have Joyce as a mother. Buffy still has a lot of freedom "normal" kids don't have, even though she fails school miserably at many points.


A secret love (Buffy The Vampire Slayer Fan Fiction; Willow + Spike) Part 1

The mood in the Scooby gang were a bit down after Riley had left. They all wondered where this secret operation were, if he was okay, if he missed them.
- Well, Giles said, we can't ponder on this to long. We still have evil to catch, whether Riley are here or not.
- But it would have been great to have another stealth guy around, Xander added with a sigh.
He were still upset his army knowledge from Halloween a few years back had faded.
- What about Spike, Willow said.
- Spike? Since when did Spike and "stealth" go hand in hand?
Xander looked at Willow in bewildered amazement.
- Oh, not like stealth guy, Willow said. But you know. If we pay him, he could maybe help us beat up some demons, that's the only think he can do now anyway. Like some sort of "beat two up and get extra paid!" kind of deal.
- And you really think he won't turn away and run? Buffy asked.
- Well. "beat up and and get extra paid, but if you run, you owe us" is maybe the deal we must have for Spike, but I'm sure he would do it anyway, just to get cash. And he is kind of savage, he loves to fight, and he loves it rough.
- Yeah, you're right, Buffy said reluctantly. Well. We'll slip him a note and ask.
- So Giles, what is the next big job?
- Beats me. I haven't seen or heard anything. And Any...
- Heeeey!
- Okay, I haven's sold some weird stuff that goes together to create awful monsters... So no ones up for that either.
- Pity. Well, I guess it's time to patrol. Anyone wanna come?
- Sorry Buff, promised Anya a romantic evening tonight.
- I'm sorry Bufft, but I have lots to do before Tara gets home tomorrow. I need to clean and stuff, and I won't have time tomorrow. Classes all day.
- Oh... Okay then... Well... I'll go alone then... Giles?
- Um... Do you really want me to come? I mean, you always say I'm boring, slow and should be with the books..?
- I see your point... Yes! Please.
Giles sighed and put on his coat, picked up a few books he were reading trough, and put his glasses on.
- Let's go then.
- Wiie!
- Anya, you locking the door when you leave?
- Sure.
Remember. If you don't. Someone can come in and steal all the money.
- I'll lock. I can put a spell on it, so that no one can see it at night, nor the money.
- Just.. Just lock it, okay?
- Okay!
Buffy and Giles went out the door, and disappeared into the night.
Well, I'll better be going to Willow said. She rose to her feet, and put her jacket on. Even in Sunnydale, nights could get cold. She had on a strapless long dress on, it were light purple and matched her red-orange hair.
- Will...
- Uh-huh.
- You look lovely tonight. Going somewhere.
- No. Nope. Just home. You know. Tara's back tomorrow night. Need to clean up a bit. Hasn't really been prio number one to do the dishes...
- Oh... Okay...
Willow smiled and went outside. The air were cool, and a gentle breeze moved her hair. She started to walk, and when she came to the street corner, she could see a shadow in the alley.
Willow got afraid. The shadow moved, and came closer. Then it started to speak, and Willow relaxed.
- Hmm, a young girl like you shouldn't be walking around alone on an evening like this, in Sunnydale.
- Oh, Spike. Don't do this to me. You almost scared the life out of me. Then I would be dead.
- Well, I'd just make you alive again then.
Willows eyes widened. He scared her, but still, she couldn't stop thinking of him. The broad shoulders, the muscular arms, the bleached hair... Everything.
- Well, I guess I better escort the young lady home, just so she won't run into anything nastier than me, even though that would be hard.
He reached his hand out to Willow, and she took it.

The strolled the street forward, down to where Willow and Tara lived. They did some windows shopping on the way. Willow stopped outside the jewelery shop, where she had seen a neck-less that she loved. But it was gone.
- Oh no Willow said. They have sold it!
- Pity, Spike said. Well lets move on. No reason to dwell here.
As much as Will hated not to mourn the neck-less, she knew they shouldn't be seen together, so they moved on. When they got to Will's place she first looked around so that no one saw them, and so that Tara hadn't came home earlier. Will knew that if she weren't home by now, she couldn't come home any earlier as the last train would have been in Sunnydale two hours ago.
- All clear!
Spike came in the door.
In the door way to the bedroom, Willow stood, her jacket off and her neck all bare, and Spike had a hard time controlling her self. But he had two things working against his instincts. The first, the darn chip he had in his head, the other, the fact he loved this woman...

tisdag 29 mars 2011

The un-censoured version of Twilight.

This is what really happened when Bella Swan moved to Forks, Washington.

Part 14

Edward came back every night to drink Bella's blood for the whole week. Bella became more distant for every day, still her senses were ultra sharp. She sometimes answered Jessica's questions before she had asked them, or way to fast, but in the same time, she easily wandered of, occupied by something else, often nothing in particular. It was Friday morning, and then the question came.
- So, were you going tomorrow?
- What?
-Yeah, you going to the dance, or to Phoenix?
- Phoenix?
- Yeah. You said you might go to Phoenix.
- Oh. Yeah. right.
- So you have no tickets booked?
- No.
Jessica looked a bit disappointed. I think this had been her opportunity to shine, and to be the star of the dance.
- I'm, um... Actually I am going to the dance. I got a date.
- You did? Who?
Jessica new all the "cool" kids in school already had a date.
- Edward Cullen.
Jessica's eyes almost popped out of her brain.
- What? Really? Since when?
- Oh, he asked me this weekend...
- But. You haven't spoken to him since. Except for in class.
Bella could see Edward smirk at his table.
- Oh, he don't need to. We talk plenty as it is.
- Oh, okay.
Jessica was muffled. Bella could see that, and that made it even more fun.

When school was over, Bella walked to her car. Even at a distance, she could hear Edward coming. She didn't turn. He stood behind her. Sniffing her hair.
- So, he said. When do you want me to pick you up tomorrow?
- Tomorrow?
- Yeah, the dance.
- Oh right. Um. When does it start?
- Seven.
- Six-thirty then?
- Sounds good. I'll come pick you up at six-thirty.
He walked of to his car and he drove away. Bella had to stand there for a few minutes before she could get he keys up.
When coming home, she did her homework, and then started to try out dresses for the dance. After having tried out a few she heard from the window, the only voice she longed to hear.
- I think the blue look great on you. It will fit into your new you.
- But my father?
- Oh, I made sure he is away all night, working.
- What did you do? Did you... kill someone?
He chuckled.
- No, not really. Just... a big mess. But he is stuck with paper work and phone calls all night.
- That's good.
- So. Do you want to start?
- Yes!
Edward picked her up and put her on the bed. He stroke her dark hair back, and looked into her eyes. She could see how much he wanted this, and he how much she. He pulled the strap of her dress down and started to kiss her neck. His hand were all over her body, and hers over his. When his teeth cut into her veins, she could feel the life get sucked out of her, but she could also feel something new brought back into her. Something strong.

When Edward were finished, Bella laid unconscious on the bed. He bit his own wrist with his sharp teeth, and made Bella drink his own blood.
- That's good my love. Just a bit more.
The life came back to Bella, and she felt even more alive than she had done when she were human.
She looked into the mirror.
He had been right.
The dark blue fabric looked amazing on her new pale skin. Her eyes, now dark red with blood thirst.
She looked more beautiful than she had ever done as a human.
She took the dress of and put her normal clothes back on. It was a little bit after midnight.
- You're hungry love. Let's go feast. But beware. When we camouflage us among humans, we only drink animal blood.
- What do you mean?
- I mean that in some places, we go for humans, and some, we go for myths, and some... For murderers. It depends on where we go. But we like Forks. And we are tired to be hunted. So for now love. Only animals.
- I will try.
- That's good love. That's good.
He picked her up again, and they ran off into the woods.

When Bella came home it was almost 6am, and she went back into her room. Now, in no need to sleep ever again, she sat reading till she could hear her dad come home. He tried to be quiet, thinking Bella was asleep.
The whole day, Bella walked around, trying to seem human to her dad. It was the last time she would see him. She knew that. She and Edward were going to take off, see the world, before settling down.
- How funny, she thought. Just like any ordinary couple.
Except, there were nothing ordinary with them at all.
- Dad, I'm off to the dance in a bit.
- Okay. Whom you going with.
- Edward Cullen. he's picking me up in 10.
- Oh. That's... Nice. But... isn't he to old?
- He's the same age as me dad! You have enough food to cope for the evening?
She could hear everything going on in the house. She could even hear her father put the remote down in the sofa.
She went downstairs.
- Oh, isn't you a beauty. But you look so pale Bells. You okay.
- Hey, what did you think? There is no sun here! Of course I'm... paler then I used to be!
- Can I take a picture? You know. For keeping?
- As long as you don't put it up anywhere I can see it!!!
He took a picture of her, and at the same time, Bella could hear Edwards car come closer.
- Oh, Edward's here!
Her dad looked out the window. The drive way was empty.
- No. Must have been something else.
Bella had forgotten that when living here, she was not allowed to hear cars still two blocks away. She sat in the hallway, waiting for him, and when she saw his Volvo drive up, she jumped out of her seat.
- Calm down Bells!
Edward knocked the door, and her father opened.
- Good evening chief Swan.
- Good evening Edward. Come on in. Bella is already finished.
Edward came in. Dressed in a black tux, looking even more lovely than he used to. Her dad took a few more photos. Almost as he already knew.
- So. Take care of my daughter tonight Edward. You will never find anyone like her.
Edward looked down on Bella.
- I will, chief Swan. I promise I will take care of her, for all eternity.
- Sounds good enough. Now you, go have fun.
They walked out the door. Edward stopped and swooped her up.
She kissed him softly.
- So off to see the world then?
- Off to see the world. But first. We have a dance to attend to...


måndag 28 mars 2011


Ahhhh, my head. I think I'm sobering up. It's horrible. Ah... God... I wish I was dead. 

You can say whatever you want about James Marsters. He will always be the no.1 vampire.

 You know you take the killing for granted. And then it's gone. And you're like, I wish I'd appreciated it more. Stopped and smelled the corpses. 

Closely followed by Stuart Townsend in  Queen of the damned. Okay, he might start to get old, but Buffy is no longer in making, and therefore, Spike will always be young, not just because he is a vampire. He is one of very few of the vampires who look just as hot when he is all bumpy headed as he does when he's not. Together with Drusilla he makes the perfect couple. Both are maniacs, but in two different ways, and they need each other to survive. Dru needs Spike's caring, and Spike needs Dru's unconditional love (which later on don't seem to be that unconditional). Spike appeals to everyone, men and women. He is whom every man want to be, and he is whom every woman wants to do.

Memorable Spike Quotes:
What's this? Sittin' around watching the telly while there's evil still afoot? It's not very industrious of you. I say we go out there and kick a little demon ass! What, can't go without your Buffy, is that it? Let's find her! She is the chosen one, after all. Come on! Vampires! Grrr! Nasty! Let's annihilate them, for justice, and for... the safety of puppies... and Christmas, right? Let's fight that evil! Let's kill something! Oh, come on! 
Death is your art. You make it with your hands day after day. That final gasp, that look of peace. And part of you is desperate to know: What's it like? Where does it lead you? And now you see, that's the secret. Not the punch you didn't throw or the kicks you didn't land. She really wanted it. Every Slayer has a death wish. Even you. 
I know I'm not the first choice for heroics. And Buffy's tried to kill me more than once. And I don't fancy a single one of you at all but...actually all that sounds pretty convincing. 
It's a big rock. I can't wait to tell my friends. They don't have a rock this big. 
Maybe not as dark and moping and have those puppy eyes Angel have, but Spike would rule over Angel any day of the week!
Spike is a man whom everyone fears, even though he makes some really stupid mistakes once in a while.

And... He's got the british accent, he can sing (even if we don't get to see that much, but as every other Spike loving fan, I have all of James Marsters CD's on MP3).

He is the bad boy all girls love even if they refuse to accept it. Even Buffy Summers.

This one love I have had since I was 10!
That is crazy! I mean, he appeals to every woman, whatever age she is!
So, when do we destroy the world, already?


lördag 26 mars 2011

The un-censoured version of Twilight.

This is what really happened when Bella Swan moved to Forks, Washington.

Part 13

When Bella woke up the next morning, she was surprised the sun were once again floating in trough the window. She took a quick look at the clock, and realized it was past noon.
- Oh, shit!
She ran downstairs, but the house were empty. She found a not on the fridge. Her dad had gone fishing early, and would probably be away all day.
- So much for father and daughter bonding activities, she said under her breath.
The phone rang and she jumped.
- Swan residence.
- Bella. You are not welcome in the reservoir any longer.
A click was heard.
It was Billy Black. And he had hung up on her. Bella didn't know whether she were the most furious about him hanging up, or disliking her so much.
She put the phone back on it's hook, and it rang again. Bella answered.
- Swan residence.
- Oh Bella hey! It's Jess. You startled me. I had barely dialed your number when you picked up.
- Sorry. I was just right to the phone.
- So, what did you do last night?
- Oh, nothing. Took an early night. What about you?
That was a disastrous question. I realized, buy the background sound in Jess phone, she was outside. Our phone were a boring stuck on the wall inside phone, and I wanted to go out in the sun and pretend I was in Phoenix on a spring day. It took Jessica at least one and a half hour to get trough with the night before.
The last question she asked bothered her.
- So Bella. Whom is taking you to the dance on Saturday?
- Huh?
- You know...
- Oh. Sorry. I don't know if I'm going. Might take a quickie home to my mother then and pick up some stuff. You know, take and extra day of school or something. So I haven't said yes to anyone yet.
- That's cool. Well, see you in school tomorrow.
- Yeah, bye.
Bella hung up and went for some cereals and prepared to go outside to sit and maybe get just a few rays of sun. The kitchen door was stuck. Bella got annoyed and pulled it a bit harder, and she almost pulled it off the hinges!
- Oh my god. I-I-I'm strong, but I never really realized I was THAT strong.
She sat down on a quilt on the grass and munched her favorite cereals. But they tasted weird.
- Maybe they are out of date.
She went inside. The box said they weren't out of date till June 2014.
- Ha! Proof! The world is not ending in 2012, Bella said to herself. Well, maybe it's the milk then?
She checked the milk to, but it was perfectly fine. Oh well. I just grab some eggs.
Bella gulped 4 or 5 eggs down. She was ravenous.
Then she went outside again and did some homework before the clouds so famous in Forks came back.
She decided the best thing to do was sending her mother a mail
She started the computer and started to type.

Dear Mother,
how Phonenix? Or have you moved to Florida already? How's Phil? Still pitching like a loser? ;)
Forks is... Okay. There are some cute boys here but the surroundings are too green! And too rainy. And to... Not Phoenix. I miss home, but I do kind of like it here. I have new friend. Her name's Jessica. And she has a boyfriend, he just don't know it yet, and his names Mike. He is also nice.
I have apparently pissed of Billy Black, but I don't know why. I have just decided he's old and senile and stupid. No harm. I just hope his son don't hate. He is nice. His name is Jacob. I really like him.
I don't know what to say. Charlie says hi. Even though he is out fishing at the moment because the SUN is actually in Forks today.
Love you Mom.
/Bella xox

She pushed sent, and went back to her homework. She finished a few assignments so they were able to be handed in tomorrow. Some good, some... Less good. But trig had never really been Bella favorite subject. She was happy though that she had been able to sneak her old essay with her to Forks, that meant less work on some courses. When finished she threw herself on the bed, window open because now the sun were seen trough it and decided to read on of her favorite books. Sense and sensibility.

Bella woke from fairytale land quickly when she heard someone being on the way, and a knock in the window. When she looked up, she saw Edward sitting there, casually, one leg hanging inside.
- What do you want?
- Nothing. Just thought I'd drop by and see how you are. And ask if you want to go to the dance with me?
- Wa... Who... When... Me? Yo-u-u... Wait a minute! What?
- I asked if you wanted to go to the dance with me?
- Um... Okay. But, I'm not sure I'm going. I might take a flight home to Phoenix and grab some more stuff I need.
- That's okay.
He went over to the bed and laid down next to me.
- So, what are you reading.
I showed him the front page, and realized. I hadn't chosen the book because it was my favorite, but because the heroes name were Edward. Just like him.
He came closer and closer, and I could feel his breath again, but this time, I could also feel the coldness of his skin, as he took my arm again and he kissed it. All the way from the hand up to my ear and back down to the bend of my arm.
- Edward?
- Mhm.
- Why are you doing this?
He stopped for a second.
- Because you like it.
Bella couldn't disagree.
Again he bit her, and she could feel herself becoming faint. But he stopped, just before she passed out and he rolled her sleeve down again . She looked at him when he were on his way out.
- Who are you?
He looked at her.
She could see the torment in his eyes.
And then he left, and Bella fell asleep in the sun.

torsdag 24 mars 2011

The un-censoured version of Twilight.

This is what really happened when Bella Swan moved to Forks, Washington.

Part 12

Bella was afraid when she opened the door.
There he stood.
Beautiful. Tall.
Bella didn't know what to say.
- Can I come in?
- Uh... Sure.
She went out of the way.
-2 seconds.
She ran up to the bathroom, splashed some cold water in her face, and it was like some magic had been cleaned of her face. Now she could think straight again.
- What's he doing here? Why's he here? Why is that every time he's around I get all... I don't know. Weird.
Bella went downstairs again. Keeping at a safe distance.
- So he said. You're hanging with the Black boy.
Bella rememberd what had happened the other night and got angry.
- Yeah! You just ruined my chance of getting a new friend! And what's that to you anyway if Jacob and I are friends?
- Oh, nothing really. Just... He isn't good for you. He has some dark secrets.
- Like you haven't.
Edward flinched in his seat. Just as much as it was noticeable.
- Yeah. Billy Black spilled some info earlier.
Edward rose and took a few step closer to her. She could smell him all the way. No one could smell that much in that distance, and so nice. She could see every muscle in his body move when he rose from the chair.
Bella couldn't move.
He came closer, and Bella were just waiting for him to come to her.
He came.
He floated around her a few steps. Then he stood behind her. She could feel his breath on her neck.
- Do you feel like this when you're around Jacob?
- Maybe I could...?
Her brain were once again going in off-mode and her mind went blurry. She could feel his tongue down her neck.
He gripped her hand and stretched her arm out, ripping her shirt open till the elbow.
- May I? he asked.
Bella looked confused. But she couldn't say no. Just nod.
He put his hands deep into her veins.
She could feel her blood dissapering from he body.
She had no idea how long she had been standing there, but a light broke her from the trance. She could feel Edward pick her up and go upstairs with her. On the way she could see her dads car in the driveway. He had probably forgotten something.
Edward tucked her into bed, making it look like she were asleep, and she could, even though she were still dizzy, see him jump out of the window.
- Bella?
Her dad came up the stairs, and she did as best as she could to actually look like she were asleep. Otherwise her dad what had happened. And she couldn't do that.
- Be... Oh. Sorry, he whisperd and went back down stairs again and she could hear him drive off.
Bella fell into dreamless sleep just after. Whatever Edward had done had made her very tired.

fredag 18 mars 2011

The un-censoured version of Twilight.

This is what really happened when Bella Swan moved to Forks, Washington

Part 11

When Billy and Jacob had left, her dad coming home just to see them for a few minutes, Bella went to bed. This night she had terrible nightmares.
In her dream she saw Edward, just as beautiful as she could remember him. He was scouting the rocks at the edge of a deep cliff used for extreme diving of some sort, but she also saw Jacob, taller than she could remember.
- You leave Bella alone!
- Ha, like you scare me.
Edward laughed and Jacob flew on to him, the two of them falling of the cliff.
- Noooo!
Bella ran off to the edge, but looking over it, she could not see anything. She saw a splash.
Further down the river she saw something, bear like climbing up the shore, she realized that both Edward and Jacob were going with the current straight to that bear.
She saw something moving in the wood, not sure what, it went way to fast, and she were way to far away, but the bear ran after it. When Bella tried to stand up to run off to see where they went, the cliff crumbled under her weight, and she fell towards the dark water.

- Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad!
Her dad came running trough the house, she could hear his heavy footsteps.
- What is it Bells? You okay? You in pain? You want me to call Dr Cullen?
When Bella head the name she shivered.
- No, it's okay. I just had a nightmare. Can you..?
- Sure honey.
Her dad sat on the side of the bed and stroked her hair.
- It's okay honey. We all have nightmares. I bet you're just processing the fact you have a new environment, new school, new friends, and that you miss you're mother. Have you spoken to her recently?
- Yeah, sure, and no. I will send her an e-mail tomorrow.
- That's good. I bet she misses you.
Bella drifted off to sleep again, as her dad left to go back to bed, and the rest of the night she slept uneasy, but dreamless.

When she woke up Saturday morning, she could see the sun, bright and clear at an almost empty sky. She couldn't believe it.
Again a sunny day.
When she came down to breakfast her dad wasn't there.
He'd put a not at the fridge reading: "Gone fishing".
Bella made herself breakfast and went to sit outside, doing her homework. When her dad came home she tried to gut the fish, but she had no idea how to, so her dad took over the work, and Bella answered the phone.
- God dammit, this phone she said under her breath. Why is it ringing all the time?
- Swan residence, Bella here.
- Hey Bella, it Billy. Billy Black.
- Hey. I go get dad for ya.
- Wait. I want to speak to you first.
- Um, okay... Sure. Hit me.
- Hit you?
- Ooh, it's just an expression, like, shoot. You know, start asking your questions.
- Oo...kay.
He sounded a bit, off.
- Billy?
- Oh, yeah. I heard from Jacob that you are hanging out with the Cullens?
- Well, no not really. I'm in the same class as one of them, that's it.
- Stay away from them Bella. They are dangerous.
- Um... Okay?
- Trust me Bella. Now, can I speak to Charlie please?
- Sure. Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad! Billy's on the phone. He wants to speak to you.
Her dad came and took the phone while Bella snuck up to her room. After a while, she heard her dad getting dressed to go out.
- Bells, I'm going with Billy to the Clearwaters. A game is on, and Mrs Clearswater have promised to cook.
- Bye dad!
Her dad slammed the door, and again Bella were alone. Without any distractions.
- How could someone that gorgeous be dangerous? I mean, he doesn't really fit into the bad boy category.
A knock on the door getting Bella off track. She went downstairs. Opening doors late at night was not something she liked. Especially when there were no peephole.
- Who is it?
It was quiet for a moment.
- It's Edward.

onsdag 16 mars 2011

Ups and downs today

Happiness is when you have new books. Nothing is so exiting as when you open a new book, especially when you have never read it before.
Yesterday I bought myself three new books.
Romeo & Juliet & Vampires
Little Vampire Women
Agnes Grey
Usually spoof books is not really my thing I just couldn't resist the front pages of these.
But on the other hand, now I realized I should maybe have chosen some other books... But still. I love them!

My down today on the other hand is that I have to read Twilight again. I really hate the book, but it is easy to read. I get even more upset as I realize I have put post-it notes on almost every page fin half the book!

Now I have to sit and take these of, to put them back as I need them in the future. But I cant see the text with them in as I couldn't put them to high up on the pages when I did that because it didn't fit on the book shelf then...

Serious... That is really weird reasoning.

Even worse is that there is no what so ever food around. I'm so hungry. But I am still to lazy to go and do some shopping. I had to throw away lots and lots of food as I stayed just a tiny bit longer in Linköping than I thought I were going to... Not my fault really.