fredag 8 juli 2011

1+1 = ..?

Recently I have been rather annoyed about... Well. Dieting.
It's so stupid.

Do you really think you will lose weight if you keep to a diet, that probably deprives you of vitamins and minerals  you need to have a functional body, and be able to actually burn off the fat you have on?

The only way, to be able to lose weight, is to work of more than you eat!

If you eat 1600 kcal, and you burn 1800 kcal a day, you will burn 200 kcal extra a day.
If doing the opposite (1800 in, 1600 out), the you will ADD 200 extra to your body a day.
It REALLY is that simple.
But it is important to remember that you actually need to exercise to get rid of the extra fat. By only dieting, you will not see any good result. One need to do some strength training to build muscles to be lean, and you need to do cardio to burn off fat.

I believe that people have different body types when it comes to make the food into energy. Me myself would never able to live on a LCHF-diet. I need carbs, and lots of them not to be in a bad mood, or feel sick, and I do feel drowsy and bad if I eat to much protein. This is because I am a slow oxidizer ("Slow oxidizers burn trough the nutrients of their food slowly and do not release the glucose from carbohydrates into the blood quickly enough, which means that they do not get converted into glucose, and energy production and availability are delayed." (Winning by losing; Jillian Michaels). Jillian means that excessive fat and protein intake slows down that even further, and I believe this. I am a bread junkie. I love pasta. I love fruits (except bananas and pears). And this is no "You can't eat this and that"-diet. This is more of a list of things one already knows:
Eat helathy food (no junk food, no fizzy drinks, no cakes and sweets etc etc.) but I know for my self I feel bad when eating to much proteins, and when I do, I feel full for hours, which is good, but instead, I don't have to eat, which is bad too!
I have some trouble with the food she says, as it is rather american, and I just don't like it, but it's still easy to buy low fat milk, low fat cheese and so on, and make it more Swedish.

LCHF, GL... Well.. It might work... For a while... Of course, thinking of GL is a good thing to do, as you choose to avoid sweets, sugar and fast carbs, but it is never ever good to take away anything completley!
You need carbs, proteins and fat to be able to have a body that is functioning!

I recommend to read Jillians book. She does not use diets, not quick fixes, and she is more down to earth with dieting than all those Hollywood trainers seem to be. ( I would also want to read Paul McKenna's I can make you thin, but that is a bit, over the top, using some sort of self hypnosis...)

But there are some rules to follow.
Eat every 4th hour: This will work if you stop eating when you're full!
Never eat so much as you feel stuffed or something. A comfortable feeling full is what to aim for. 
This will make sure you're hungry every 4th hour, so you can eat when hungry!
If you follow Jillians rules you might not be able to eat exactly what you want, but think of this:
Junk-food and sweets and processed food makes you ugly. It gives you spots, cellulite, bad skin as you look older... Do you want to look old, with spots and cellulite?

If one want to lose weight one need to do life long changes, and those are not big. If one wants to eat pizza and burgers, you can do it at home. It is easy, cheap and healthy to do at home!
The most important thing still is to keep enough calories so that you're body is still functioning. This means between 1600-2200 for a female, depending on things like work, exercise and calories you burn on a daily basis! 

If you burn about 7000 kcal extra, you will lose about 1 kg of fat from from your body (this is calculated without thinking of you adding any extra muscle mass to your body, which burns extra calories).
With simple math, if you eat so that you're on 0 (for example 1800 in, 1800 out), and you exercise 3 times a week, burning 300 kcal each time = 900. 
You do the math!

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