tisdag 5 juli 2011

One more concert to the list

Yesterday, we went to Gröna Lund (one of two big amusement parks in Sweden), and in the evening we were rocking on to the old man Alice Cooper!

I have not been to that many concerts, but I liked this one (as I have never seen Alice Cooper before) but I heard that, if you have seen him before, it looks the same...

The last concert I was to was Green Day in 2009. That was nice, I really like Green Day, but Alice scene show was a bit more spectacular than theirs.

But I see it real funny that, what ever was controversial when Alice started his career, is like... "Meeeh" now. But it was still wicked cool!

(My first thought was: Oh. My. GOD! Is he going to wear the spider-outfit the whole show?!?!)

I still have a few artists I would like to see before I die (or in some cases... Before they die!)
Among them is:
Mötley Crue
Green Day (again!)
Danko Jones
Billy Idol
Ozzy Osbourne

And I guess the list will become even bigger soon!

One new song!
(Well, kind of new anyway, but it was not in his 80's repertoire!)
One fun thing was: he added parts of Pink Floyd's legendary Another Brick In The Wall in his School's Out!

I'm actually a bit amazed he is 63 years old, and still active.


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