Låt: Ozzy Osbourne - Iron Man
Ja, då sitter man hemma hos mamma och pappa igen då fast man trodde det skulle dröja innam man åkte hit igen, fast iofs, enda orsaken va ju den här gången för att jag ska försöka packa ihop skrivbordet och en hylla och ett litet bord. Plus att igår va man till Charlottenberg och fick köpt endel småsaker som man måste ha.
Måste ju säga att flytta och bo själv är ju ett projekt utöver det vanliga...
Urs va irriterande Youtube är just nu! Vill ju lyssna på Iron Man ju ffs!
Sett på dretfotboll idag, Utd faller lättare än Eduardo gjorde i Onsdags mot Celtic ju för faen!
Ska aldrig mer se på denna dreten! Man får ju bara dåligt blodtryck och blir på dåligt humör resten av kvällen!
Fast idag lyckades jag überbra med maten i alla fall. Pasta med ost och avokadosås, riktigt smaskens. Fast jag måste nog börja tänka på vad jag stoppar i mej. Har ätit alldeles för mycket choklad och chips nu ju. Har gått upp runt 4 kilo på bara en och en halv vecka... Hoppas de faller lätt. Men man kan ju bli stressad för mindre än skolan just nu. Har hur mycket som helst att göra.
Först är det företags ekonomin som tar bra mycket tid, och sen är jag lite nervös inför litteraturkurserna då jag inte fått nån mer information om dem än och sen ska jag flytta och på nått vis hinna ringa KMTI och få en tid där, bråka med CSN och hinna och träna både Aikido och yoga samtidigt som jag inte får slacka efter för mycket på mina 2 bildprojekt (Ronja och tGPoaM) och inte heller glömma att rita nytt... Ojojoj, men det kanske blir gjort ordentligt för att det är mycket att göra, just det... Måste ju sy klart min kappa innan vintern också, det hade ju varit lite käckt!
Låt: Kakashi - Mezamero! Yasei
Ahh, hittade ngågra av mina favoriter från Naruto på youtube som sångare! Rent fantastiskt! Och jag har beställt tre av de miljoner tröjor som jag vill trycka själv. Men nu är det i alla fall en med texten "Mendokuse!" och en med Shikamaru som gråter och texten " Real boys do cry" och sist men inte mins en med Gaara på där det står "Hug me... Or die". Mycket söta! Måste försöka hitta en med "nah nah nah nah nah nah nah nah Batman!" på Mârten, och diverse andra, det borde ju va en guldgruva för sånna coola t-shirts, ska gå igenom vartenda t-shirt stånd där nere iår, och film med! Man vet ju aldrig vad man kan hitta där ju! Sen blir det nog endel drällande nere hos Ronny och hans serietidningar också om jag har råd med någon sådan!
Låt: Shikamaru - Re:member
*Fan girl squeal* Shikamaru ROCKS! SUGOI!!! Är så jävla nöjd att jag fick till en ganska okay serie verion av min E- Assignment 4 idag. Den ligger på 8 sidor nu, men vi får se om det blir mer eller mindre när jag börjar lägga till detaljer på vanligt papper (har den nu i mitt collegie block).
Men nu ska fröken sätta sig och plöja igenom alla Naruto avsnitt en gång till (ja ni hörde rätt ALLA, kommer väll inte kunna se så många nu framöver om jag inte har nåt internet). Det verkar inte bli av med Vampire Knight och Bleach ju.. Darn.
Natti natti på er småbarn!
lördag 29 augusti 2009
tisdag 18 augusti 2009
Assignement 4 (Fan Fiction and Yaoi)
He at looked himself in the mirror. He had not gone to bed until really late due to the delegation from the Hidden Sand village wanted to go out the night before, and he was black under his eyes, it looked like he hadn’t slept in days. He looked at his so characteristically pineapple pony tail that had for sure got a proper beating during the night. He pulled in it and like a spring it popped back up again, looking like normal. He looked over his shoulder and saw that something was moving around under the sheets.
- What the fuck? How troublesome.
He went over and saw a small glimpse of red-brown hair sticking up from under the duvet. He sat on top of the duvet and lied down, the person under it waking up from the pressure of his body and trying to get loose.
- Gotcha! Didn’t I?
- Let me go!
From under the sheet a pair of green eyes with loads of make-up looked on him.
- You’re heavy! Get off me!
- That was for sure not what I heard last night was it… Gaara.
- Well, now it is. You Leaf Village people really need to be put on a diet!
- Or what?
- Or you will end up like Chouji!
- Don’t say that. He’s just a bit chubby that’s all! And by the way. If he didn’t look like that, hes ninja techniques would be rather worthless.
Gaara took that into consideration and decided it was the most common sense.
- Shika, what’s the time?
- I’d say… Around… Too early.
- Well, I guess I should be going anyway. We are leaving to go back to the Wind Country before noon.
Shikamaru sat down behind Gaara and put his arms around him. He snuggled down his nose in Gaara’s neck and could feel a faint smell of warm sand. He had never thought this was going to happen. Everyone had thought he was going to go out with Gaara’s elder sister Temari, because they were working a lot together, but it had from Shikamaru’s side only been a way to get what he wanted, and he had it here, in his arms and didn’t want to give it yet really. The whole atmosphere was broken by the blonde thunderstorm that entered the room without knocking.
- Shikamaru! They have a problem outside! Gaara is missing! It might be the Akatsuki… Oh…
- How troublesome. No worries Naruto. Gaaras been with me, go and tell them he’s alright and will soon be down with the others.
- O- o- Okay.
Naruto was looking at his two friends in the bed, tightly cuddled up together. He closed the door behind him and they heard how he was running down the stairs. Most probably to tell the others what he had seen.
- Are you not afraid of what they will say?
- No, why should I be? I mean, compared to Naruto’s obsession on getting Sasuke back from Orochimaru, how bad can this be? You’re the one who should be afraid, you’re the head of a whole country, I’m just a teacher at the Academy.
Gaara looked at Shikamaru and kissed him softly on the ear. They went up and both got dressed slowly. Knowing they would not see each other for a while because Gaara had work to do back home and Shikamaru had his work at the Ninja Academy and occasional missions now and then. He knew he had been having a lot to do with the people from the Sand Village before because the truce and he being the most suited to work with this according to Tsunade.
- Hey Gaara, maybe I could convince Tsunade that she could send me over a lot more. Wouldn’t that be a great idea?
Gaara looked at him as he was putting his sand gourd back onto his back. He looked away and went out in the kitchen. He took a glass jar and poured some of the sand in it.
- To remember.
Shikamaru took the glass jar and looked at the sand, moving around in the shape of two kids playing.
- It’s your chakra moving them? Isn’t it?
Gaara nodded, walking towards the door, Shikamaru putting the jar down on a table.
- But, won’t the chakra disappear some time?
Gaara looked back over his shoulder and looked straight into Shikamaru’s eyes and left down the stairs. Shikamaru not knowing what to do. He looked at the glass jar and out the open door. Saw a small sprinkling of sand on the floor. And he got it! He got it!
- Gaara!
He was shouting after him and running down the stairs and out among the people in the village.
- Gaara I got it! Gaara!
He saw Gaara standing together with his elder sister Temari and a few of the ninjas from the Fire Country. Gaara and Temari leaving as Shikamaru came closer.
- Gaara I got it! When the kids are not playing anymore! Then, then I will come for you!!! Gaara!
Gaara looked back. And smiled.
- What the fuck? How troublesome.
He went over and saw a small glimpse of red-brown hair sticking up from under the duvet. He sat on top of the duvet and lied down, the person under it waking up from the pressure of his body and trying to get loose.
- Gotcha! Didn’t I?
- Let me go!
From under the sheet a pair of green eyes with loads of make-up looked on him.
- You’re heavy! Get off me!
- That was for sure not what I heard last night was it… Gaara.
- Well, now it is. You Leaf Village people really need to be put on a diet!
- Or what?
- Or you will end up like Chouji!
- Don’t say that. He’s just a bit chubby that’s all! And by the way. If he didn’t look like that, hes ninja techniques would be rather worthless.
Gaara took that into consideration and decided it was the most common sense.
- Shika, what’s the time?
- I’d say… Around… Too early.
- Well, I guess I should be going anyway. We are leaving to go back to the Wind Country before noon.
Shikamaru sat down behind Gaara and put his arms around him. He snuggled down his nose in Gaara’s neck and could feel a faint smell of warm sand. He had never thought this was going to happen. Everyone had thought he was going to go out with Gaara’s elder sister Temari, because they were working a lot together, but it had from Shikamaru’s side only been a way to get what he wanted, and he had it here, in his arms and didn’t want to give it yet really. The whole atmosphere was broken by the blonde thunderstorm that entered the room without knocking.
- Shikamaru! They have a problem outside! Gaara is missing! It might be the Akatsuki… Oh…
- How troublesome. No worries Naruto. Gaaras been with me, go and tell them he’s alright and will soon be down with the others.
- O- o- Okay.
Naruto was looking at his two friends in the bed, tightly cuddled up together. He closed the door behind him and they heard how he was running down the stairs. Most probably to tell the others what he had seen.
- Are you not afraid of what they will say?
- No, why should I be? I mean, compared to Naruto’s obsession on getting Sasuke back from Orochimaru, how bad can this be? You’re the one who should be afraid, you’re the head of a whole country, I’m just a teacher at the Academy.
Gaara looked at Shikamaru and kissed him softly on the ear. They went up and both got dressed slowly. Knowing they would not see each other for a while because Gaara had work to do back home and Shikamaru had his work at the Ninja Academy and occasional missions now and then. He knew he had been having a lot to do with the people from the Sand Village before because the truce and he being the most suited to work with this according to Tsunade.
- Hey Gaara, maybe I could convince Tsunade that she could send me over a lot more. Wouldn’t that be a great idea?
Gaara looked at him as he was putting his sand gourd back onto his back. He looked away and went out in the kitchen. He took a glass jar and poured some of the sand in it.
- To remember.
Shikamaru took the glass jar and looked at the sand, moving around in the shape of two kids playing.
- It’s your chakra moving them? Isn’t it?
Gaara nodded, walking towards the door, Shikamaru putting the jar down on a table.
- But, won’t the chakra disappear some time?
Gaara looked back over his shoulder and looked straight into Shikamaru’s eyes and left down the stairs. Shikamaru not knowing what to do. He looked at the glass jar and out the open door. Saw a small sprinkling of sand on the floor. And he got it! He got it!
- Gaara!
He was shouting after him and running down the stairs and out among the people in the village.
- Gaara I got it! Gaara!
He saw Gaara standing together with his elder sister Temari and a few of the ninjas from the Fire Country. Gaara and Temari leaving as Shikamaru came closer.
- Gaara I got it! When the kids are not playing anymore! Then, then I will come for you!!! Gaara!
Gaara looked back. And smiled.
tisdag 4 augusti 2009
Assignment 3
The day will stand still
When flowers bloom in winter
The sun smiles red
My Poem:
The Moons white light
Shining on the face
The face of a dead
The white skin
The blue lips
The closed eyes
They follow me everywhere
Not getting rid of it
It makes me,
makes me look like,
feel like one
When there is a sound
I don't hear it
My head has gone
It's spinning
Spinning out of...
Yes, out of what?
It's making me crazy
Just one nights sleep!
When begging for it don't help
When drinking don't help
When it's gone for good
I will also become one of those faces
There once was a boy from Hull,
Everyone thought he was rather dull
Stuffed and stuffed his mouth
Afterwards he used to shout
That, oh he felt very, very full
The day will stand still
When flowers bloom in winter
The sun smiles red
My Poem:
The Moons white light
Shining on the face
The face of a dead
The white skin
The blue lips
The closed eyes
They follow me everywhere
Not getting rid of it
It makes me,
makes me look like,
feel like one
When there is a sound
I don't hear it
My head has gone
It's spinning
Spinning out of...
Yes, out of what?
It's making me crazy
Just one nights sleep!
When begging for it don't help
When drinking don't help
When it's gone for good
I will also become one of those faces
There once was a boy from Hull,
Everyone thought he was rather dull
Stuffed and stuffed his mouth
Afterwards he used to shout
That, oh he felt very, very full
söndag 2 augusti 2009
Assignement 2:3
- What do you mean I should leave? I feel perfectly fine sitting here!
- That’s what I mean! You’re just sat there all day doing nothing. Flipping your blonde hair back and pouting your lips when there are men in the office. Showing off your big chest and annoying the co-employees.
- Well, there is not much else to do here is it?
- Well, you could try and do some work for once. And painting your nails is not working!
- But, I have been working. I have sorted out all the client folders.
- Yes, in order how cute they are!
- Well, I do find the folders quickly don’t I?
- Yes, but you’re the only one!
- That makes me useful don’t it?
- How would it make you useful?
- I’m the only one who can find the folders, right?
- Yes.
- See, I really am needed here then! That means I’m useful!
- Make yourself useful by getting me a cup of coffee instead!
- Who do you think I am? Your secretary?
- No, my secretary would probably sleep with me, work and give me some coffee in the morning.
- So you mean I’m not doing my duties or what?
- No!
- So what do you want me to do then?
- As I said before, sleep with me instead of everyone else, get a job and at least prepare some of the meals!
- And if I say no?
- Then I say I want a divorce! Bitch!
- That’s what I mean! You’re just sat there all day doing nothing. Flipping your blonde hair back and pouting your lips when there are men in the office. Showing off your big chest and annoying the co-employees.
- Well, there is not much else to do here is it?
- Well, you could try and do some work for once. And painting your nails is not working!
- But, I have been working. I have sorted out all the client folders.
- Yes, in order how cute they are!
- Well, I do find the folders quickly don’t I?
- Yes, but you’re the only one!
- That makes me useful don’t it?
- How would it make you useful?
- I’m the only one who can find the folders, right?
- Yes.
- See, I really am needed here then! That means I’m useful!
- Make yourself useful by getting me a cup of coffee instead!
- Who do you think I am? Your secretary?
- No, my secretary would probably sleep with me, work and give me some coffee in the morning.
- So you mean I’m not doing my duties or what?
- No!
- So what do you want me to do then?
- As I said before, sleep with me instead of everyone else, get a job and at least prepare some of the meals!
- And if I say no?
- Then I say I want a divorce! Bitch!
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