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Visar inlägg med etikett Photo. Visa alla inlägg

måndag 21 februari 2011


Var ute och gick en sväng igår och passade på att ta lite bilder, då på Jonatan, då jag har extremt få bilder på honom (speciellt i jämförelse med vad han har på mej!).

Bilderna kommer här och är det enda jag ska ha i det här inlägget!

P.s fick i helgen höra att han är väldigt lik killen som spelar Arn i filmerna, har själv inte sett dem, men vad tycker ni?

lördag 5 februari 2011


Kan ju inte riktigt säga att Jonatans iPhone alltid tar det bästa bilder. Men vilken mobilkamera gör?
Varför lägga ner så mycket pengar på så extremt bra kameror när bilderna blir så dåliga egentligen? Jag menar, behövs det verkligen så högt megapixeltal och så vidare när mycket av bilderna blir sämre än vad bilderna blir av en gammal digitalkamera?
Okay, jag vet, man måste ha ordentlige med ljus och bla bla bla, men ändå. Har man en telefon som kostar för att de har en 8 megapixel kamera så kan den väll leverera? Bilderna på min telefon blir också riktigt dåliga många gånger, och vare sig jag eller Jonatan är dåliga fotografer.

Bilden som jag lägger upp här bredvid är en bild Jonatan tog på väg mot bokmässan i Göteborg i höstas, nu kanske ljuset inte var det bästa när klockan var runt halv 10 på morgonen, utan jag ska mest visa upp mina skills i Photoshop.

Jag har bestämt mig för... Jag gillar Photoshop. Jag tycker det är bra om man är såpass duktig fotograf så att man egentligen inte behöver Photoshop, men Photoshop gör så mycket coola saker som kameror aldrig skulle kunna göra, och det är fan riktigt coolt det också. Den bildern jag gjort om
har jag egentligen bara gjort basic uppljusning av ansiktet på, eftersom (även om det inte ser jättemörkt ut så syns det tydligt på kort som man skriver ut) man knappt kan se ansiktet på mig.

Så fort jag har skrivit klart en uppsats som jag ska försöka ha klar imorgon så ska jag nog sätta mig och kolla igenom massa bilder och tömma minneskortet i kameran (kanske det finns något på det andra också?), för nu ligger det en hel massa skräpbilder på där. Ska ju ändå göra en raid och slänga över massa saker på den externa hårddisken. Sen ska jag prova och se om jag kan se på film från den via min DVD, den har ju faktiskt ett USB uttag så det bör fungera tycker ja. Men vi får se sen.

lördag 9 oktober 2010

Spooky photosession...

That was that day...
Well, the weather was not nice a bit cold, but at least
it didn't rain, so I went out an hour and a half or something, taking some photots. And as usual, I went to my favourite place for picture taking, the churchyard. I think that next weekend I will go there in the evening, think I can get some really nice pictures then! Okay, you might think I am crazy, but I can't do much about that... That's your opinion ;)

You will get a taste of the pictures I took here, but the rest is found at:

This ones I put on here will be my favourites though (they end up in Picasa webalbum in case you want to check there instead).

But as I said, next week, I will try and take some in the evening instead, to get some real Halloween feeling for them, but then I wont be so vain so that I only take pictures of my self (there are pictures without me, but they are to many at the moment to go trough, and I will do that when I have more time to DO things. But it was really nice today to take a break and do something that I think is fun. Last night the idea was to knit, and do some scrapping, but, it took to long time rolling up the yarn in a ball, and I need a ruler before I can finnish my Halloween cards anyway. So my creative side got a bit neglected...
But at least now I could do something, even though I for sure will knit when watching films later. It was so long since I last did, and I need a new cap.

In a bit I will go and watch Snow White. Haven't seen it in ages. Not since I was a kid, but I think it will be more interesting than the other film we were supposed to choose between, as I can't even remember the name of it, but I do not really look forward to having to watch a Western film, that's not really my cuppa tea at all! Unfortunate I can't watch either of the films and just enjoy it, as I have to watch for things, but on the other hand, I have already studied animation earlier and Snow White is the first ever film using cell-animation. But I think I will try and watch Coraline once more again, it's such a cute film. And the way they made the film reminds a lot about Nightmare before Christmas, and that's what I really DO wanna watch, unfortunate, it's not a part of my DVD collection yet.

Well, I better go do what I actually said I'm going to rather than sit here!

I will see if I can get my cap done till tomorrow! See you!

torsdag 30 september 2010

As the photo nerd I am...

I were walking back home from training today in the beautiful, but rather cold weather, and found the most wonderful red leaf on the way, and of course I had to take some pictures. I really love my camera, and I have to figure out all the settings, because so far I have adapted the pictures after how it looks like, using auto on everything, and do the best of it. But it has worked quite well so far anyway.
This one on the left is one of the original pictures that I took.

And these two following are the photoshopped versions I made. Not much change but a bit, just for the effect! I really love the red colour coming to its right in the picture on the grey background! Just so lovely!

This was the colour I wanted on my desk! That is just so unfair that it is about painted when I find a good sample of the colour I like! Red+Black=<3
So unfair!
Now I just need to find a nice red or purple colour for my armchair, which I will put new padding into first though. It's not to comfy at it is at the moment.

And that state of my hand yesterday was just horrible. I had paint about everywhere, it looked like I hade punched someone very, very hard... Many times. But I think the red desk will look great with my black furniture, even though I had been wishing for a darker colour.

Well, I wont complain to much about it, at least I got a desk! That's a starts, now I just need to buy a proper chair and my back pains will go away (I hope).

Well, it's time to start with some reasonable things instead, as tomorrow will be hectic, got to get up early and go buy a new can of paint, and hope I will finnish the desk before I get my new tv-bench!
Wish me luck!

tisdag 21 september 2010

Lucky day and hot chocolate recipe!

Walking out the door this morning, it was cold! Absolutley freezing cold!

But that also put a smile on my face, finally, now you can put on scarves, gloves, hats, woolen caps, and lots of others accessories. My two faourite accessorie
s must be two of my scarves, one is a bright red enormous one made out of acrylics and my red and white palestina scarf.

Yesterday I also got the best present for my birthday (except for the Mr coming over for the weekend) and that was a big package of scrapping things! There were everything from stickers, to papers and envelopes, so now there will be scrapping going on!

As soon as I'm finished with a di
scussion and have written two papers and the ideas for an oral presentation!
But at least I have the idea for some of the work. Well, now, no more school talk, I have a bad habit of doing that all the time I notice.

Been watching Citizen Kane now, and even though the story is not so fun, not really boring either, but for sure not catchy, the footage and the way they use the camera is brilliant, at least when you think of the fact it's made in 40's. I probably won't watch the film again though.

The story is simple (and I think I have seen modern films with this sto
ry too), it is the poor boy who is sent off to live with some rich man, and get brought up that way. Mr Kane becomes the number one chief executor on many of the famous news papers, but of course the most sold amount of papers in a day, is the one when he dies. He marries two famous women, and the whole idea with the film is that a group of movie makers is going to find out WHO Mr Kane really was, what did his last words "Rose Bud" mean? Whom was Charlie Kane deep inside? And the film plainly said, just his life story told by his old friends and family. A cute film, but with a tone of seriuosness and a dark side, how power makes people go crazy, think they can do anything, to anyone.

Also I met a friend today a quicky that I haven't seen in a while to get her some books I borrowed long ago! But then all I could think of was home, sleep, and football tonig
ht. Haven't sleept so well this night
So after a hectic day at University, and no training as I don't want to pull my muscles again there will be a nice relaxing evening, with a book and big cup of hot chocolate and looking forward for the book fair in Gothenburg this weekend.

How to make your own delicious hot choclate that will make you soft in the edges. Both litterally and metaphorically.
This will be about 2-3 dl of hot chocolate (2 cups)
1½ dl of milk
20-30 grams of dark chocolate
½ table spoon of cacao
2-3 dl of cream (some of it will get whipped)
Warm up 1½ dl of milk with some dark chocolate (the more you use, the thicker it gets, but just a few pieces is enough) and mix in half a spoon of cacao and half a dl of cream. The rest of the cream is preferably whipped and put in the cup just before drinking it. Alternativley you can make 1 dl of strong coffee, heat the milk and add the coffee and chocolate (if you like, add some grated almonds). Add the cream and put whipped cream in it when served. This will probably be 3 cups instead of two as you add the coffee, not switch it for something.

It makes any evening better than the day was. Also had the time to take some photos (as you see in the blogpost) edit them in Photoshop and put them here, will be sat fixing up the picasa web album in a bit too, but now, shower and 1408! See you tomorrow!

fredag 17 september 2010

Photo session? Na, more like Milla Jovovich!

I think that tomorrow, if I will have a minute over I will seriously take some pictures!
I haven't touched the camera in ages and I'm really starting to get itchy fingers now, also I will try and make some more scrapping, but this time I will make the paper from scratch! :)
Then I will make a card or somthing, least I will try!

How I miss summer and taking pictures in the Gothenburgish nature!

Probably will go down there next summer again and take some more! Still got a lot of them to edit on my external harddrive though so I might have work still.

Tonight me and the Mr saw the new Resident Evil film in 3D. Resident Evil: Afterlife.
Watching Milla Jovovich in black tights for an hour and 36 minutes was quite awesome. So if you planned to see the movie, do not read further!

I was annoyed though that the armory door was not shut tight as everything else was locked up and impossible to get inside. Also that when she put a explosive device her rope didn't break or come lose from the roof.
And there was a lot of Matrix feeling when you was able to see bullets in slow mo in a proper Matrix trademarking and the big guy who just randomly shows up reminds a lot of the murderus guy from Texas Chain Saw Massacre or Mike Meyers in Halloween.

The film was just screaming TV-game and are very much alike the other films in the series. The new thing by Umberella Corp. this time was a small device put on non-T-virus infected people who made them catatonic and put them in containers similar to those in Minority Report.

On the whole, the new film is similar to the others as in Alice saving the world, but this time it seems like she is saving the world in five or six different films at the same time.
But it was alright and I would probably watch it again and I will most probably buy it when the DVD price has dropped.

Well, that's all for today, now it's bedtime for me and the Mr!

tisdag 29 december 2009

Good enouhg day

I've had a good enough day as it is today... Got my camera! Woho!

It's an Canon EOS 1000D, not the best camera on the market, but I think it's good enough to start with as I have never been that into photography until the resent years. And with being a student, I think it was expensive enough!

Right now I have just about installed all the "nessecary" programs you need to install to be able to use your camera, going to decide later which ones I'm going to save and which I'm going to uninstall, I still got Photoshop so I think I have coverd my ass kinda good ;)

This was the first (well, actually the 9th, but the first 8 before was just random ones to try what would happen if i pushed something! ;) ) picture I took!
I think it got kinda nice, maybe some editing will make it even better!

Didn't get any time to go out with the snowboard today though and that is bugging me A LOT! Had planned on a few hours out there but I had to go to Torsby instead to get my camera, some food, a bit more clothes and some small stuff so that I will survive the last weeks here. Tonight I will be watching more films and reading some of the animation texts I need to read so that I can finnish up the paper soon. Least one of my teachers accepted the idea of "The Neverending Story" as a good idea for one of the essays.

What makes that film interesting to write about is the fact there is two focalisers. And one of them can't work without the other one, while the first one is very independent, at least compared to the other one.
I think I really sound like a nerd now, but I suppose that's what's happening when you study litterature! ;)

Now I am back to my animation studies, photographying, films etc etc!
Love <3