lördag 11 juni 2011

New and old goals

I had before the seminar with Lasse and Mark said that if I was below 68 kilos and participated in all the classes at the seminar, I would be allowed a cola float.
And I did it! The day we left, I was 67,8 kilos and I did participate in all the classes! So the cola float was mine! Om nom!

From today I have 5 weeks, then I'm going to be a 7 day Uchi Deshi, and I have decided that I am going to put up a few new goals till then. And also, I will put up before and after pictures!

The two goals will be:

  • Lose 3 kilos (My start weight being 69,1 kilos, and yeah, I have gained a bit since I got back from the seminar).
  • Run 2,5 kms in less than 17min  (and this I am pretty sure I will actually succeed with, as I ran on 18min 42 sec one day and two days later I ran on 17min 47 seconds, and I have no plans on letting it get worse!
I really feel confident I will manage this.

"Before" (actually, now) Pictures (and yeah, I look horrible I know... But hey... It will change, so who cares?):
Starting weight: 69,1 kilos
Waist: 80cm (31,5")
Butt: 103 cm (40,5")

I have no specific training schedule. I might get a gym card, I might not. I will go out running with Jonatan, we have a gym ball, rubber bands, a yoga mat, jumping rope and I will do aikido. Also I will try and go out and bike as often as I can, now when I only study full-time and not more than full-time this summer! Also I will try and eat properly as well as I can, but I won't be saying that I will eat veggies and nothing else, I still want to enjoy life!

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