torsdag 23 december 2010

The year is coming to an end.

Christmas is rather overrated actually. Well, it is nice to come together as a family for a few hours, but really, it is rather over rated, and I think it's a bit sad you can't get together with your parents and siblings but there need to be some stupid holiday. I guess you will appreciate it more when your older maybe, but I don't really see the point in Christmas. It's just like any other day of the year.

Right now I feel a bit stressed. I have one essay right now on The cultural history of Japanese film that is really interesting. Deadline 4th January, so holiday for me? No way. Next essay deadline is January 14th, and we will get the essay subject on 28th December, so both Christmas and New Year will not be a time to rest really.

Well, the year has been both great and... Well, not so great.
I still have a lot of pain in my body and the physio therapist I have been seeing says she can't find any problems.
On the bright side though, I met the Mr this summer and that was rather awesome really.

Got a few things to think about next year, and looking forward to a lot of things!

Best memory this year: Well, except for meeting the Mr I would guess that it was actually Xmas Special in Gothenburg, a whole weekend of Kali Sikaran training.

Worst memory this year: Oh, well, hmm... I guess it was when I didn't know (both in Feb and in Aug.) whether I was gonna get money for the uni semesters. It was really horrible not knowing whether I was going to be able to pay the loans on my flat at the end of the month!

The coming year will as I said, become rather interesting. The application for Film Science part II will be sent in, in March, work will applied for in summer, moving...

So much to do, so many things to think about, and still it doesn't freak me out as much as it could, but it seems like the right thing to do!

Well, I wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

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