This is the last weekend before I turn biiiig! ;)
Well, I have a lot to do this weekend. On Monday morning, I'm off to Stockholm, to start a course in Japanese film cultural history. Might be exiting. I haven't really decided yet, but the train trip will be filled with reading to prepare, prepare and more preparing. I have never really understood Japanese film, so this will be a real challenge for me, as I know nothing of Japanese films, except a bit anime...
I'm leaving home at 6am Monday morning...
My darling baby, this is a warning, said that im leaving, on monday morning... *Hums*
Well, it does come to mind dont it?
Well, as I said, at 6am Monday morning, and I will be back "home" in Linköping at 7pm...
Have you hear the news today? I'm leaving town, I'm cashing out
this towns to small for me to stay, the time is now, I'm heading out
This is a bit scary, as I know, next year by this time, I have lived in Växjö for about 3 months too... Gah! I don't want to grow up... I would love to become a kid again and move in with mummy and daddy and play aaaaall day long! But unfortunate, I'm not Benjamin Button...
So, now my weekend is filled with Aikido, all day tomorrow, and then on Sunday, I will have to clean up, do some dishes, the washing, pack my bag and find my course literature I need for the week, and pack my computer so I will be able to do my homework when I'm left alone all day...
Baby i still need ya, but if you stay ill leave ya, cause i gotta get away
and if i ever see ya, my heart is gonna bleed, but im leaving either way
That's really how it feels about next year... There is a few things I really will miss when I move... But I really want to do this, and the only reason for coming home, would be if I got a spot at KAU, but I don't really like that university, so that will probably never happen as after this summer I don't ever want anything to do with KAU or LTU ever again!
But I guess it's alright to spread your wings a bit too, as I want to go to Ireland and USA some day too, then maybe Växjö is a good place to start, as it at least is the same country that all I care for liv

es in, even the same continent...
And a little something for those who are sadist... My really nice bruises I got this Tuesday of Kali training, and this is how they look three days later, and this they look about twice as bad irl! And they perfectly match on where you do a Ikkyo! Which makes it even funnier when we have done Ikkyo both Wednesday and Thursday this week!
But I guess it's better to be off to bed now, tomorrow evening you will get a review on Chucky the evil doll as I have had a Chucky Maraton today, but I got one film left so I will wait till I'm finished with all 5 of them.