Or, well, not really changed IT, but just changed a bit...
Im thinking of applying to be a nurse in spring semester 2011 instead of fall 2010... And have filmstudies instead. Because I will be doing some sort of nursing studies next semester anyway.
And I think it could be great due to my college year in L.A in 2012 if i can get in there.
So it's not really changed as in "I don't want to do itanymore", just a little, what to say.. Disturbance in the force! ;)
And then I could actually take a year with getting my grades from High School better so that I can be more sure to actually get into the nursing.
Also, when I realised how much work I have to do to even get allowed to get in the states, I almost fainted!
Well, going to start by contacting the abroad-studies faculty at KAU, and see what they say. Maybe we are co.operating with some film school in L.A. Hopefully. Otherwise, filmstudies during the fall will make it easier to get into filmstudies during the summer and maybe to work a bit while doing the nurse studies.
Aww!! I don't know what to do really!
Well, let's stay realistic...
Work with film = haaaard!
Work as nurse = Easier!
Well, we'll see.
Right now I'm so looking forward to next fall anyway.
Oh, and here comes my christmas present list!
1. Systemcamera
2. Videocamera
3. MacComputer (with iStopMotion & Final Cut Express 4)
4. Animation table
5. Glass for my light table + a new fluorescent lamp for it)
6. Animation table
7. New flat screen TV
8. Stuff to upgrade my computer
Well, yeah that's it. Unless I get one, I will buy my Mac in USA thought because they cost like 3000 kronor less there. But I really feel like I want one so I can continue to animate away as much as I want.
Really whet one's appetite for animation right now!
So back to it!
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