Oh my, if it was a well good enough day yesterday, then today was just cold enough. I decided to sit inside doing my homework, have actually finnished one of the essays now, and take some indoor photographs.
Waiting for a bit warmer day to actually go outside and take some nice photos, and I am just LOOONGING for summer and all the unexplored woodland paths around mum and dads and all the nice photos I can take then!
I will be adding some of the pictures I took today on deviant art too, after I have edited and made some of them cooler, if there is any need for that ;)
Not because the pictures got bad, but because I like to photoshop pictures!
http://sanna-b.deviantart.com/ (they will be up sometime during this evening and tomorrow).

Those two pictures beeing the exact same picture, just one edited. I don't really think one looks better than the other, I'm just putting it up because I like both of them.
Now I serioulsy have to find a photography course to take during the summer!
I read a very interesting chapter in the animation theory book today, and I have never really thought about that before, but Disney characthers don't morph into stuff, while other cartoon does. One example the book took up was that in Tom and Jerry when they run into walls they turn into coins or something, the only thing Disney would do to Goofy or Donald is if they get inflated or something, but the character still looks the same. Now I have to check that up!
Been watching "The Band Concert" from 1935 and "Betty Boop in Snow White", both brought up in the book "The Sharpest Point - Animation at the end of cinema" and I will just in a bit devour the theory on the Betty Boop film and see if it's worth taking up in the essay.
And talking about essays, I have now finally finnished the one about "The never-ending story" (and thanks Si for looking tHrough it ;) ) and I am pretty pleased with it to be honest!
But first a documentary about "The Dragon Triangle" which is the eastern answer on the Bermudatriangle, aslo they apparently exist on the exakt opposite sides of the earth and even more planes, and boats have disappered there than in the Bermuda triangle and they also have the phenomena of Ghost ships which in Japan is someting very terrible!
Then ofcourse this beeing a UFO "documentary" they say the crew has been abducted! ;)
Well, it could be fun to watch while trying to read a bit, if I can read while having sounds around me, I have for some reason started to be unable to concentrate unless it's really quiet.
Is that a sign I'm growing old???!!!
Love <3
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