I was just thinking it should be a good idea to post my short story from this summers english courser here because when I read it I like it more and more! I haven't given it a name but I'm open for suggestions!
Ronnie had just got out of the shower and sat at the stairs with the warm summer breeze drying her short brown hair. This was the moments she was happy she had moved away from the big city. She sat there with her biggest teacup just enjoying the morning when the phone rang.
- Ronnie Wald.
- Hello, can I speak to Roseanne Wald please?
- Erm, that’s her speaking.
- Oh… Well, I’m calling from the police.
- The police?
- Yes, we would like you to come down to Southampton train station.
- Train station? You have to mean the police station don’t you?
- No, the train station, and please hurry!
They hung up and Ronnie didn’t know what to do. She ran into the bedroom and put on a blouse a, skirt and just for good luck, her lucky necklaces, which looked more like a charms. Just when she was about to lock the door she got a call to her cell phone. It was a number she recognized right away. It was her husband’s number. He had been dead for the past four weeks.
Ronnie dropped the phone on the terrace but it didn’t matter, it switched on anyway, like magic. She slowly picked it up, trembling when she put it to her ear. When she did, she could hear her husband’s voice for the first time in four weeks, and probably for the last time ever.
- Rosie? Ron? You there darling?
- Marcus... Is it really you?
- Yes, well, one part of me at least. Ronnie, you have to help me!
- Help you? How?
The phone started to beeping like it was almost out of battery. The voice on the other end started to sound like it drifted away.
- Go to Plymouth.
- Plymouth? Why?
- You... Will... Find the... Answers... There.
The phone turned off.
- No! Marcus!!!
No matter how many times she tried, she was not able to call the number back again. With tears in her eyes she ran off to the bus depot to get the next bus down to Southampton.
She entered the station with eyes still red from crying, but she held her head high to show people that it didn’t affect her. Her big billowing skirts making a rustling noise that was accompanied by the light clicking from her leather sandals when she walked over the tile floor.
- Roseanne Wald?
She was approached by a woman in her late 30’s.
- Yes, that’s me.
- We are sorry for this inconvenience, but we had no choice but to call you here.
- Can I ask why?
- Well, you better look for yourself. Follow me.
Ronnie followed the police woman up the stairs that connected the two platforms. When she got up there were a real mess. Tile had been crushed by something, there were papers and other things that looked like they once belonged in handbags shattered all over the place. On one of the walls there where written with a bright pink lipstick “Roseanne Wald”.
- What is this!
Ronnie was almost hysterical.
- We think it is your husband’s doing.
- What!?
The police waved someone over.
- This is Monday Lesley. She’s a psychic.
Ronnie was still looking very confused.
- Your husband died here four weeks ago didn’t he?
- Yes, that’s correct. He was stabbed down and robbed when he was going back from work late at night.
- Yes, and, well, after a lot of police work we haven’t been able to figure out why this is happening so we decided as a last resort to bring Monday in and she says she has been speaking to your husband and apparently he can’t cease to exist in this world without help.
Ronnie was shocked. She had not been prepared for this.
- And how do you want me to help?
Monday stepped forward.
- I can only speak with lost souls; unfortunately I can’t help them pass over. I’m sorry.
Ronnie got the point.
- That’s okay. I think I know where to go. Leave this to me!
Ronnie went home again and sat at her computer. She googled for shamans in Plymouth and found a story about a man living in the caves just by the seaside. She called the travel agency and booked herself the next ticket to Plymouth. When she sat on the coach down she was wondering what this was all about. It seemed like it was too unreal to be true. It had to be someone making fun of her, in a very macabre way.
When the evening started to come and there was still at least two hours left to Plymouth Ronnie fell asleep. She was dreaming about her husband. He was standing in an enormous garden. He looked very, very small. He was wearing his swimming trunks and a tie only and he was pointing towards something. It looked like a big cave. Ronnie was running towards him but he kept the distance by running to. They came closer and closer to the cave and you could see a green smoke coming out of it and you could start to feel the smell of something rotten, maybe fish.
- Marcus! Wait!
- Oh, silly come on! We have to hurry!
- Hurry to what?
- It’s a surprise! You’ll love it!
Ronnie’s feet were hurting. The ground was not soft anymore and the earth was trembling. The cave grew bigger and bigger but it didn’t seem to come any closer.
- Marcus!!!
Ronnie woke up from the dream and she was all drenched in sweat. She was breathing heavily and when she looked around people had gathered around her and the bus stood still.
- You alright ma’am?
There was a much tanned guy in his 40’s standing over her. He had an American accent and one of them cowboy hats on his head. Ronnie was slowly getting up from the seat.
- Yes, I’m fine thank you very much. I just had a nightmare, that’s all.
- You sure you’re alright?
Ronnie nodded. She looked outside. They weren’t in Plymouth just yet, but she had to get some air. She went outside for a few minutes before the bus departed again. This time she was to tense to sleep even though it was the middle of the night almost. She was thinking of the cave, and about the horrible smell that came from there.
When they got to the bus depot she jumped off and ran to the nearest hostel and booked a room. She sat on the bed just waiting for the morning. She had been afraid of the dark ever since she was a small child and had been locked inside a closet by her elder brother and been stuck there for over an hour, when her mother found her.
That incident had been the start of a lifelong fear of the dark.
As the morning came closer and the sun was rising she started to plan the day. She knew she was looking for a cave at the seaside of Plymouth, unfortunate, there was a lot of sea side in Plymouth. She went outside and asked the first by-passer if there was some specific area that had a lot of caves.
- Um, well, I’d say there are a lot of caves on the other side of the town. You know, where there are no big piers.
- I should’ve guessed.
Ronnie went to the bus depot and jumped on the next bus to the other side of town. She walked over the road and continued down the small path towards the big cave area nest to the Plymouth pier. She started to inspect the caves one after one and when she had been on it for more than half the day she sat down at the beach. She had not found anything, not a single track of someone living there. She could feel the tears swelling up in her eyes and she started to cry, quietly. The tears running down her cheeks and dripping down on her chest, and down into her mouth, tasting like she was imaging the sea just a few foot away did.
- Marcus. Why did this have to happen?
When she sat there a bird flew just past her, and she looked up, scared. They bird came back and this time it was attacking her. She started to run, and the bird flew after her.
- Ouch! No! No! Go away! Stupid bird! Stop that!
She ran through the sand and stumbled upon a big log. She put her hands up for protection, but the bird was gone. No matter where she looked, she could not see it. She was breathing heavy and lied down on the sand, looking at the clouds, but as she laid there she could see something that not really looked like clouds.
- Is that... Smoke?
She looked around her and she could see a faint white pillar of smoke coming from inside a small hidden cave. She slowly moved forward.
- Hello? Someone there?
- Go away!
She could hear the voice of a very, very old man.
- I’m sorry to intrude, but do you live here?
- I said go away! I don’t want you here!
- Please I need help!
- Sorry, can’t help. Now go away!
Ronnie sat down again and the tears were coming back again, this time they were unstoppable. She was sulking and the tears didn’t stop running no matter how much she tried. The man who was sitting in his cave stepped outside. He was dressed in a rag over his hips and a very poorly fitted, ripped up t-shirt with oil stains on. He was bare feet and his skin was filled with scars.
- Why?
Ronnie looked up on him.
- W-w-w-w-h-hy w-w-what-t?
- Why crying?
- Be-be-because m-my hu-husban-n-nd, he’s died, an-nd n-no w he need h-h-elp to get to get over to the o-o-ther side. Y-you’re t-the only on-n-ne who ca-an he-he-lp.
- Stop crying. Come.
He went back into the cave, Ronnie was just looking at his back as it disappeared and she heard him yell.
- If you don’t come, no help.
Ronnie was quickly up on her feet, wiping the tears away, taking a deep breath and followed him into the cave.
The cave was as she had thought very, very small and stained with what she thought was blood. He sat down at a big kettle with still water and looked deep inside of it.
- I can see, you no lying.
- No, I’m not lying. My husband, he needs help to move over.
- I can see. But I can’t help him.
- Is there nothing you can do?
- For him? No, for you, yes.
- For me?
- Yes, advice.
- Tell me then.
- You need a book. With spell.
- Where is this book?
- In your place. Where you find peace within.
- What does that mean?
- That is for you to find out. Now leave. I don’t want you here.
Ronnie left the cave and went back to the road and jumped on the next bus back to town. She checked out from her hostel and bought a ticket to the next bus home. She was not able to rest one minute during the whole trip home.
- A place where I can find peace within. What does that mean?
She jumped of the bus at the depot close to her house and when she walked the short stone path up to her house it hit her, where she could find her book. She dropped her bag and ran over to the backside of her house, and went over to the other side of the yard. There she had a small place that not even Marcus had known about where she went when she needed peace and quiet. In the middle of the grove there was a big oak. In the oak it was a big hole, and Ronnie had many times been wondering whether the whole tree was hollow. She stuck her hand in the hole and started to poke around, and when doing that, she could feel something, something definitely not a part of the tree. She grabbed it and pulled out a big leather book.
- “Mystics”. This must be it!
She quickly flipped over the pages and looked for a spell that could help lost souls to move on. After a few hours of reading the heavy books she found it.
- This! This it is!
She took the book and ran off to the house, looking for all the right ingredients, mumbling to herself.
- Rose petals, crushed and mixed with cinnamon. A few drops of holy water.
After making the potion she was collection all the candles she could handle, ripped out the page from the book and hoped that she had not missed the last bus down to Southampton. Out of breath she jumped on the bus after waving her arms like mad when it almost left without her she could finally relax. She could feel the strain from the last few days in her body and she really started to get sleepy, but she knew she could help Marcus by doing this so she couldn’t stop. Not yet.
When the police came there all they could find was the body of a lifeless woman, and next to her an empty bottle and lots of burning candles. The woman had died from poisoning they said. But what they didn’t know was that the woman was floating around in the air above them, holding her loved ones hand, guiding him to where he belongs, with his bride by his side, forever
söndag 20 september 2009
tisdag 15 september 2009
Dagen före
Yays! Imorgon är det min födelsedag! Blir 21 mäktiga år!
Sitter just nu med ett litet arbete som en kompis behövde hjälp med och väntar på att de ska ringa från Colorama så jag får gå och sätta upp mina tapeter. Yay! Mer lila tapeter till folket!
Ska nog kanske försöka och bängla upp lite mer saker också, det börjar ju nästan bli hemtrevligt. Telefon har jag fått också, det är ju lite småspännande. Egen fast telefon!
Fick höra på mârten i helgen att det var tant varning på mig nu, köpte massa blommor, egen lägenhet, fast telefoni, ujja mejja!
Fast lite stor känner man sig ju i alla fall.
Har också besatällt ny säng från IKEA. Gött, ingen mer mesig lite 90 cm madrass utan en 120! Wooo! Nu kan man bre ut sig som faaaan igen! Göttans!
Va händer mer då? Inget faktiskt, går te skolan och dräller som vanligt, och fixar på lägenheten, men så fort den är klar kommer jag börja lite med projekt som har legat på is ett tag nu, bland annat ska jag försöka rita klart barnboken, det ska bli spännande!
Hoppas något förlag vill ta emot den, annars finns ju alltid Hejdrun att tillgå.
Men nu tror jag det ska bli frukost innan jag svimmar av hunger för det är lite fånigt ju.
Sitter just nu med ett litet arbete som en kompis behövde hjälp med och väntar på att de ska ringa från Colorama så jag får gå och sätta upp mina tapeter. Yay! Mer lila tapeter till folket!
Ska nog kanske försöka och bängla upp lite mer saker också, det börjar ju nästan bli hemtrevligt. Telefon har jag fått också, det är ju lite småspännande. Egen fast telefon!
Fick höra på mârten i helgen att det var tant varning på mig nu, köpte massa blommor, egen lägenhet, fast telefoni, ujja mejja!
Fast lite stor känner man sig ju i alla fall.
Har också besatällt ny säng från IKEA. Gött, ingen mer mesig lite 90 cm madrass utan en 120! Wooo! Nu kan man bre ut sig som faaaan igen! Göttans!
Va händer mer då? Inget faktiskt, går te skolan och dräller som vanligt, och fixar på lägenheten, men så fort den är klar kommer jag börja lite med projekt som har legat på is ett tag nu, bland annat ska jag försöka rita klart barnboken, det ska bli spännande!
Hoppas något förlag vill ta emot den, annars finns ju alltid Hejdrun att tillgå.
Men nu tror jag det ska bli frukost innan jag svimmar av hunger för det är lite fånigt ju.
onsdag 9 september 2009
Mmm, sitter och tittar på Vampire Knight...
Funderar lite på varför det gör så onödigt ont i ryggen, har gjort det ända sen i måndags, när jag troligtvis landade fel och slog i höften fel, kan inte vrida mig åt höger och inte heller böja mig åt vänster märkte jag igår på yogan.
Men lite ljus i tunneln finns det, men har dock ett hektiskt schema framför mig.
Först är det mârten under helgen, sen ska jag ner till Karlstad fyra dagar nästa vecka (STÖN!) och sen under helgen är det troligtvis årsmöte med träningsdag och så med Aikidon, sen ska jag lägga golv (förhoppningsvis). Sen blir det troligtvis bara två dagar i Karlstad och en ledig helg, men då ska man väll sätta upp panel och börja flytta in på riktigt ju. Efter det är det tre dagar i Karlstad och sen åker man till Halmstad på Lasse-läger (WIHEY!), kommer hem, ska redovisa Casegrejjen på tisdagen och sen på onsdagen ska man ner till KMTI (URK! kl 0.8.00 ska jag va där!) och på torsdagen åker man ner till Malmö för att på fredagen gå på Green Day! (men missar Värmlandslägret!)
Som sagt, stressig tid fram över för när man kommer tillbaka därifrån har man bara fem dagar kvar till tentan i Marknadsföring plus att man ska läsa endel till Litteraturkurserna! Darn it!
Hmm, då är ju frågan om man ska ta och gå ut och gå en sväng sen när det inte blev någon träning eller om man ska gå och ställa böcker i bokhyllan borta i lägenheten, det borde ju räknas som träning med tycker jag!
Fast det är ju riktigt fint väder ute, så jag får nog ta stavarna sen och traska iväg.
Sitter och håller tummarna för att det ska gå bra på KMTI också, är lite nervös för vad dom ska säga, för det gör ju riktigt ont på mej hela tiden.
Now back to the world of the smexy vampires! (LOVE LOVE LOVE<3)
Funderar lite på varför det gör så onödigt ont i ryggen, har gjort det ända sen i måndags, när jag troligtvis landade fel och slog i höften fel, kan inte vrida mig åt höger och inte heller böja mig åt vänster märkte jag igår på yogan.
Men lite ljus i tunneln finns det, men har dock ett hektiskt schema framför mig.
Först är det mârten under helgen, sen ska jag ner till Karlstad fyra dagar nästa vecka (STÖN!) och sen under helgen är det troligtvis årsmöte med träningsdag och så med Aikidon, sen ska jag lägga golv (förhoppningsvis). Sen blir det troligtvis bara två dagar i Karlstad och en ledig helg, men då ska man väll sätta upp panel och börja flytta in på riktigt ju. Efter det är det tre dagar i Karlstad och sen åker man till Halmstad på Lasse-läger (WIHEY!), kommer hem, ska redovisa Casegrejjen på tisdagen och sen på onsdagen ska man ner till KMTI (URK! kl 0.8.00 ska jag va där!) och på torsdagen åker man ner till Malmö för att på fredagen gå på Green Day! (men missar Värmlandslägret!)
Som sagt, stressig tid fram över för när man kommer tillbaka därifrån har man bara fem dagar kvar till tentan i Marknadsföring plus att man ska läsa endel till Litteraturkurserna! Darn it!
Hmm, då är ju frågan om man ska ta och gå ut och gå en sväng sen när det inte blev någon träning eller om man ska gå och ställa böcker i bokhyllan borta i lägenheten, det borde ju räknas som träning med tycker jag!
Fast det är ju riktigt fint väder ute, så jag får nog ta stavarna sen och traska iväg.
Sitter och håller tummarna för att det ska gå bra på KMTI också, är lite nervös för vad dom ska säga, för det gör ju riktigt ont på mej hela tiden.
Now back to the world of the smexy vampires! (LOVE LOVE LOVE<3)
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